World of Warcraft
Although it's late.. i'll contribute..

Quite frankly the idea of a persistent virtual world annoys the living crap out of me. I don't like it. It takes something good that works right now just fine in diablo 2 and moves it out of the player's grasp of control.

That 'something' is the ability to instantly respawn/reload the game world.

One of the big things I like about Diablo 2 is being able to create an MF game, kill what I want, and leave. Or being able to make a game SPECIFICALLY about a quest I want done (eg. Izual). To be able to make games to trade specific items. Or to be able to make a private game and get away from it all.

None of that will be possible in WoW. That annoys the living heck out of me, because 95 times out of 100 other players annoy me. Why do you think we have sites like Lurker Lounge and Amazon Basin.. because, dare I say it, the unwashed masses of "pubbies" by and large suck. They're not trustworthy; they'll loot your stuff; they'll pk you without a second notice; they'll steal your drops and generally spam and annoy the crap out of you. Oh, and they'll try and rip you off wherever possible for their own benefit.

One big persistant world opens the doors for the lamers, losers and scam artists to have free reign over everybody. Normally I can just make a private game and avoid all of that (or join ablhell, for you basiners out there). In WoW my only option will be finding a secluded corner of the game to exp in.. and it's highly likely that every GOOD exp spot will be covered in salivating hordes of exp leechers and opportunistic PK'ers. Want to trade? Too bad - imagine the trade channels, except without a 30 or 40 player limit, all stuck in one confined area of the game world spamming eachother with ***** ITH CB HERE FOR MOST SOJS OFFERED /W *BLAHBLAH NO NOOB OFFERS *****

So, pardon me if I don't like WoW and the MMORPG concept - not for the pay per play aspect (although I detest that as well) - but because it robs me of everything I like about Diablo 2's game creation system. There is a lot to be said to being able to control your world, when it respawns, who can join in and what you accomplish.

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World of Warcraft - by Guest - 01-10-2004, 05:24 AM
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World of Warcraft - by Guest - 01-18-2004, 05:09 PM
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World of Warcraft - by Yuen - 01-19-2004, 12:14 PM
World of Warcraft - by SwissMercenary - 01-19-2004, 12:39 PM
World of Warcraft - by Assur - 01-20-2004, 04:36 AM

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