Game platform decision
Haider,Dec 19 2003, 10:51 AM Wrote:What "horror stories" ... ?
When the Xbox was first released, Microsoft didn't use a good quality DVD supplier. The DVD problems ran the gamut from drive not accessing certain areas to drive not opening properly, but the biggest problem was that it would prematurely fail. This in and of itself isn't too terrible since the item was completely replaceable (with another Microsoft supplied DVD player). The kicker is that Microsoft knew about this problem several months before the Xbox went live, and figured it would be cheaper to just release it and deal with the fallout and DVD replacements than it would to stop production on the current batch. After the first batch, this problem went away. BUT, Microsoft didn't have to deal with the fallout or DVD replacements financially. They would be happy to replace your drive, for $99.99. A factory defect that they knew about before release but ignored because it wouldn't have been financially feasible but still charged to fix. This burned alot of people. That is the biggest of the console "horror stories" that I know of.

As for my personal opinion, if you like Mario, Zelda, and Metroid, go for the GC. You won't find *too* many mature titles on the GC being that it is a Nintendo product and they tend to gear to the under 12 crowd. Xbox has some good games and good live support, but quite a few people are still bitter about it being a Microsoft product and detract it regardless. PS2 definitely has the library of games to work with. Find the games you want, then find the system they are on. Renting is not a bad idea along with finding a friend who has one and checking it out (I am sure you knew this, but I had to state the obvious ;-) ).


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