Automods in 1.10
At a guess, whyBish is primarily looking for a 3 socket Matriarchal Bow (qlvl=53). So the required ilvls (to get the needed alvl) would be
+1 bow skills, alvl 1+, ilvl 1+
+2 bow skills, alvl 40+, ilvl 66+ (about the last part of nightmare and typically only from the minions in those areas for the non-magical drops).
+3 bow skills, alvl 60+, ilvl 80+ (check the threads that have the area levels listed to find the places to locate these).

Messages In This Thread
Automods in 1.10 - by whyBish - 12-13-2003, 03:43 AM
Automods in 1.10 - by adeyke - 12-13-2003, 03:55 AM
Automods in 1.10 - by Ruvanal - 12-13-2003, 10:18 AM
Automods in 1.10 - by whyBish - 12-13-2003, 09:57 PM

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