arrrghh I give up - Classic D, Win XP, Router
This happens to me all the time! Before I take on Laz, I always have to remove and replace my armor as I am walking to get it spinning. If you can anticipate it, just remember that as it's frozen you can still control yourself. Switch to teleport and get yourself out of there, hopefully it will minimize the danger. Oh yea, if anyone you are playing with dies, it's pretty much a garuntee that you'll die too - that's always fun.

On a side note, does anyone know how to fix that. I've downloaded daemons tools and mounted an image of the Diablo CD, but it doesn't work. Everytime I start Diablo it still gives me the error that there is no CD in the drive.

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!

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arrrghh I give up - Classic D, Win XP, Router - by the Langolier - 12-01-2003, 06:57 PM

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