03-11-2003, 08:40 PM
>Erm... Jarulf, if you are still reading, and now that you
>have mentioned a new version of your guide... may I
>suggest/ask about?:
Heh, I have been saying I will do a new version since last summer or spring. Seems I am inspired by Blizzard's latest patch in that aspect :)
>When you calculated the probabilities of finding unique
>items, How many normal monsters did you suppose to
>be on dlvls 1 and 2?. If I'm not missing anything, in
>your guide's latest version you only mention that they
>are "a bit less". Will we know this in your guide's new
Ehh, I will not add anything about the numbr of monsters. It varies a bit and I don't think I ever tried to find the exact variance or average. If I recall correctly the reason for fewer monsters is in much due to those levels actually being slightly smaller in size.
I don't remember how I wrote the program to calculate the chance for unqiues to drop. I did assume some specific number of monsters on each level and I think I used a smaller value for the first few levels, but I can't tell for sure or what exact values I used. And it won't be changed in the guide. the "new" version will almost exclusively be smaller bug fixes, corrections and such. No new material. Hence a 1.63 (1.62 is latest no?).
>Also, I have version 1.62 of your guide in here, and in
>page number 135, about Fire and Lightning damage on
>bows: "Any extra fire or lightning damage from any
>item other than the bow will be added despite the fact
>that this is a ranged attack". First, this can only
>happen with Sparkling Mail,
Yeah, probably. However, the game would treat any such item with lightning or fire damage that way. I didn't go through and check exactly what items existed. Sorry :)
> and then... an strict
>interpretation of this would outcome in Sparkling Mail
>having ranged capabilities, and not only with lightning
Hmm. I might remember wrong, but I think you need to spawn a lighting or fire attack to start with and only fire or lighting bows do that. If so the game will add in the damage from other items apart from the bow though. That is how I recall it is and what is meant in the guide.
>Will there be a bugs list section in your guide, such as
>the one in the Lurker Lounge?. I mean: the first time I
>hear about that bug in fire bows that prevents
>monsters from regenerating... it surprised me that I
>hadn't read anything about this before, in your guide.
Is that bug not in the guide??????
The guide will NOT however have any bug list (as I said, it is a small update). Even for a larger update, that is not something I will add. In part because I don't feel able to make a correct and complete one. And I most definately would not be able to do it for Hellfire. In addition, most bugs are explained together with whatever information is related to them. Finally, the bug list on LL actually also contain "problems" and strange workings of the game which is not nessecarilly bugs.
So no, you will never see a list of bugs in the guide. I do insert information about bugs related to the informatiojn though if it would make the information wrong or confusing.
>Well, maybe I'm being a little touchy... at the end, you
>get no profit for your guide, and you write it in your
>free time. Just thanks for your guide.
Always good to hear someone thanking for it :)
As for the "profit", I want it that way. it is not meant to give any. It was done as a "hobby" sort of for me, not as work. And I also like to share the knowledge and infromation I and others have collected about the game. After all. I use such guides for various games I play all the time. Not more than right that I give back once for some game :)
I do use to many smileys don't i? :lol:
>have mentioned a new version of your guide... may I
>suggest/ask about?:
Heh, I have been saying I will do a new version since last summer or spring. Seems I am inspired by Blizzard's latest patch in that aspect :)
>When you calculated the probabilities of finding unique
>items, How many normal monsters did you suppose to
>be on dlvls 1 and 2?. If I'm not missing anything, in
>your guide's latest version you only mention that they
>are "a bit less". Will we know this in your guide's new
Ehh, I will not add anything about the numbr of monsters. It varies a bit and I don't think I ever tried to find the exact variance or average. If I recall correctly the reason for fewer monsters is in much due to those levels actually being slightly smaller in size.
I don't remember how I wrote the program to calculate the chance for unqiues to drop. I did assume some specific number of monsters on each level and I think I used a smaller value for the first few levels, but I can't tell for sure or what exact values I used. And it won't be changed in the guide. the "new" version will almost exclusively be smaller bug fixes, corrections and such. No new material. Hence a 1.63 (1.62 is latest no?).
>Also, I have version 1.62 of your guide in here, and in
>page number 135, about Fire and Lightning damage on
>bows: "Any extra fire or lightning damage from any
>item other than the bow will be added despite the fact
>that this is a ranged attack". First, this can only
>happen with Sparkling Mail,
Yeah, probably. However, the game would treat any such item with lightning or fire damage that way. I didn't go through and check exactly what items existed. Sorry :)
> and then... an strict
>interpretation of this would outcome in Sparkling Mail
>having ranged capabilities, and not only with lightning
Hmm. I might remember wrong, but I think you need to spawn a lighting or fire attack to start with and only fire or lighting bows do that. If so the game will add in the damage from other items apart from the bow though. That is how I recall it is and what is meant in the guide.
>Will there be a bugs list section in your guide, such as
>the one in the Lurker Lounge?. I mean: the first time I
>hear about that bug in fire bows that prevents
>monsters from regenerating... it surprised me that I
>hadn't read anything about this before, in your guide.
Is that bug not in the guide??????
The guide will NOT however have any bug list (as I said, it is a small update). Even for a larger update, that is not something I will add. In part because I don't feel able to make a correct and complete one. And I most definately would not be able to do it for Hellfire. In addition, most bugs are explained together with whatever information is related to them. Finally, the bug list on LL actually also contain "problems" and strange workings of the game which is not nessecarilly bugs.
So no, you will never see a list of bugs in the guide. I do insert information about bugs related to the informatiojn though if it would make the information wrong or confusing.
>Well, maybe I'm being a little touchy... at the end, you
>get no profit for your guide, and you write it in your
>free time. Just thanks for your guide.
Always good to hear someone thanking for it :)
As for the "profit", I want it that way. it is not meant to give any. It was done as a "hobby" sort of for me, not as work. And I also like to share the knowledge and infromation I and others have collected about the game. After all. I use such guides for various games I play all the time. Not more than right that I give back once for some game :)
I do use to many smileys don't i? :lol:
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.