Help error after install!
Bwahahaha... thanks for the replies. I've had the worst couple of days ever trying to get this thing to work.

First, I tried to install d2 last week, and my DVD drive just sucks (squeals like a dying pig and keeps saying INSERT CD INTO DRIVE half the time until I smack the DVD player a few times)... 'nuff said. So I'm here spending like 2-hours trying to get d2 installed. Finally I get classic installed but get that error I was talking about. Then I figure it's got something to do with an upgrade but because I can't log onto (I didn't think about going to blizzards web-site at this point), I decide to try and load up LoD. I get this terrible error message when trying to install music.mpq from the classic play disc and figure my computer is just screwed (long, long story about why I thought that*).

Anyways, so its the next week and after saving every last program in zipped up fashion on zip drives, because I don’t have a DVD burner, deleting numerous things off my HD, a clean reinstall and upgrades of all programs, I try to install d2 again.

Whooa, same error when trying to play d2 classic. Found out is was my bad for getting all worked up without checking out blizzards web-site first for troubleshooting. Yes, it was the 1.1 patch I needed.

Once I got 1.1 installed for classic, I tried to log onto, but I kept getting rejected. I couldn't understand why and did some trouble-shooting, but to no avail. Next I checked the installed cd-key with a custom program and saw that I entered it in wrong.... :angry: Why did it let me install it in the first place if the CD key was wrong? Anyways, I had to uninstall the whole thing and do it again.

Right after that, I tried to install LoD and it couldn't read music.mpq off the play disc. At this point I was getting hysterical! This was the second time it couldn't read the music.mpq and I just finished formatting my HD and reinstalling EVERYTHING (OMG, you had no idea what a pain in the ass this is) and it still wouldn't work! Finally, an idea hit me... I opened the DVD drive, picked up the CD ROM, and looked at the bottom of it. What? A smudge? HAHAHAHAHAH (hysterical laughter)... cleans with Windex... inserts into drive... attempts to copy music.mpq... OMG it works!!!!!! Boy I tell you, it just doesn’t get any better than this <sarcastic>.

* Long story about why I thought my computer was messed up: I was searching PC World archives for useful programs and saw some where you could delete useless registry keys and .dll files. First I got five updates for windows XP to make it run more seemlessly. Then I got two programs, one to delete registry keys and one to delete .dll files. First I got rid of useless registry keys without any problems. Then I ran the delete .dll program...... FOR WINDOWS 95-98 :( . It was a BAD situation.... bad bad bad. I was getting errors, crashes, blue screens, black screens left and right. Half the programs didn't work properly or not at all. Luckily I have Norton Antivirus which has a great recovery program and started recovering files... however this was immediately after I got the five updates for windows XP and there were temp files ALL OVER and probably because of this, the computer started acting funny again, but not as bad as it was before, but some programs still didn't work properly. Right after this I ran a scan disk and defrag and nailed it down to two programs that weren't working right, and I still don't know why. This is about the time I decided to install d2 and got all these errors with it. Naturally, I assumed they were related and my computer was just screwed, thus the reason I copied all my important programs to disk and formatted the entire HD :blink: .
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

Messages In This Thread
Help error after install! - by Taem - 11-01-2003, 07:29 AM
Help error after install! - by channel1 - 11-01-2003, 11:35 AM
Help error after install! - by ldw - 11-01-2003, 12:02 PM
Help error after install! - by Taem - 11-01-2003, 06:01 PM

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