Collaborative list of v1.10 Ladder "keepers"
Brista,Oct 31 2003, 04:41 AM Wrote:One thing that I would say however, slightly counter to the idea behind this thread (basically to look for more stuff to keep) is that right now time is valuable and muling (and burning in ladder mules) is a huge time sink.
I agree with this, if one is racing the clock for some reason (and many are). In my case, however, I'm playing for my own enjoyment, so, despite what my "great RACE" thread might seem to imply, I'm not in any super hurry.

I have enjoyed seeing that, when you're perusing drops for lowbie twink utility, regardless of (it being unsuited for your own) class, the game really does drop lots of good stuff. While it is probably not very time efficient to hand along (via intermediate muling) these items for one time short lived use, you get an efficiency bonus if you're doing the rushing races repeatedly (i.e. for quest rewards) in series, handing off the stuff for rinse and repeat. For clvl 20 and 40 rushing I think this is well worth the (initial) muling time.

Depends on how key the item is, however. Certainly a Khalim's Will is a great twink (especially for Druids). But if I don't have one, it is far far easier to go get a hellforge hammer for the twinkee than to get a KW. This means I have to plan ahead (thus this thread) so that I grab an extra KW the first time I'm forced to spend the time effort anyway.

Another purpose of this thread is that I expect, after a short time, Lurkers will be more than happy to trade or give some of these items to each other. This strikes me as a friendly conveniece (as opposed, say, to using trading).

Just for reference (I've not been playing the last couple of days, and my top char is only clvl 26 in act 4) I've gotten:
ethereal Deathspade axe (unique)
Venom Ward breast plate (unique)
Death's sash belt (set, notably: can't be frozen)
Infernal tools cap (set)
Cathan's seal mask (set)

In addition I've kept every charm and jewel so far (very cluttery, but I wanted to survey them after a while).

I've kept a lot of class specific +skills items (druid/barb headgear, necro shield) and sorc/necro weapons, most with clvl 6 or lower req.

I have yet to spend any time on item runs or MF equip (i.e. from topazes I've scored). I'm definitely having fun. :)

edit: p.s. I've had no technical trouble (taking afk breaks) to log enough time to make my mules "permanent".
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Messages In This Thread
Collaborative list of v1.10 Ladder "keepers" - by |_ord - 10-28-2003, 04:03 PM
Collaborative list of v1.10 Ladder "keepers" - by Crystalion - 10-31-2003, 11:39 PM

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