Collaborative list of v1.10 Ladder "keepers"
After it dropped for me in a ladder game, I realized what a "keeper" Death's Sash is. With cold enchanted bosses' minions doing cold damage, and low cold resists (untwinked) - the slow from a ranged attack bosspack was very hard to deal with. If I hadn't found it, I think I would have started carying around thawing potions much more regularly as a general habit.

We all know how nice "cannot be frozen" is for a melee character, and it will be a while before raven frosts are commonly found / traded for on the ladder. Not to mention it is nice to have "cannot be frozen" before one reaches the level required for raven frost or duriel's shell.

Messages In This Thread
Collaborative list of v1.10 Ladder "keepers" - by |_ord - 10-28-2003, 04:03 PM
Collaborative list of v1.10 Ladder "keepers" - by Olon97 - 10-29-2003, 11:43 PM

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