Collaborative list of v1.10 Ladder "keepers"
Quote:Any exploding arrow or bolt unique bow or crossbow. As of v1.10s Enchant is an uber skill, and these bows are ideally suited to carry Enchant fire damage. Especially valuable are the bows, as Rogue hirelings can use them.

Darn it, I'll bite, and sorry for the brief change of subject. But could someone please explain to me in simple terms how Enchant is an uber skill? I took a melee enchantress through 1-player hell, and the only reason she made it was because of her 'Delirium' helm. By no means was the damage she or her merc was doing uber powerful. In fact, even though she was using Zeal off a 'Passion' blade, she wasn't doing that much damage and had to retreat often.

But, there are some smart people here, so maybe there was something about Enchant that I didn't realize before. So, could someone explain to me how Enchant is uber powerful? However, the following arguments are not valid:

1. If a person has every elite item and runeword to choose from and can fill their their inventories with +1 fire skills charms, then Enchant would be way uber powerful. This argument is not valid, because that's true of almost any skill. And anyway, I did that while I was fooling around and Enchant only gave like 3600 fire damage, which is small compared to a similarly equiped character of any cookie-cutter type. A reasonable estimate of Enchant's added fire damage with reasonable equipment is about 1000 fire damage.

2. If the enchantress casts it on a party designed explicitly to maximize the damage output of the enchantress and all the enchantress does is babysit her partymembers, then Enchant could be uber powered. Oh, come on, how often is this going to happen in a bnet game? I've seen some people in other forums doing calculations assuming Enchant gets cast on a full army of necromancer skeletons, but I can say from experience that trying to keep it up on the whole army is almost impossible. Skeletons move around so much, you can't figure out which ones have been enchanted or not, and necromancers are always losing skeletons and making new ones. Unless the enchantress decides to be purely a servant to the necromancer and watches constantly for new skeletons to be born, this is a completely crazy idea. And anyway, that still wouldn't be uber powerful, because necromancer skeletons with good use of amp curse can do 1000 points of damage per hit anyway. So, the enchantress being a slave to the necromancer can only manage to double the damage output. Big deal. There are two characters, so that should be expected.

But I'm willing to listen to arguments that I haven't heard before. Is there some way for the enchantress herself to take advantage of Enchant and do lots of damage? The quote above indicates that Enchant gets carried by exploding arrows. That's cool. To me, that just makes Enchant useful instead of grossly underpowered when the enchantress herself uses it. Is there some way to use Enchant that actually makes it powerful to the point of unbalancing? Keep in mind that there are a *lot* of fire immunes in hell. And also keep in mind that other character classes have very powerful party skills, too. (War cries, necromancer curses, paladin auras, druid spirits, slow missles).

Messages In This Thread
Collaborative list of v1.10 Ladder "keepers" - by MongoJerry - 10-26-2003, 02:42 AM
Collaborative list of v1.10 Ladder "keepers" - by |_ord - 10-28-2003, 04:03 PM

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