Some Notes on Nova Trap Damage
I don't recall really where within a time spells originate. I think for a player casting it is close to the edge in the direction you face, but that can be a bad memory. From you numbers, it seems it should be in the center though in this case of Nova. Also, most spells or effects that travel, will only ever hit a taile once. So if it is so slow that it stays in the same tile multiple frames, it will still only make one hit (attempt). Traveling non lineary (that is in some way diagonally) through tiles can thus have strange effects. The missile will travell in steps (and each tile is a few thousand sub coordinates, check guide for exact values) and when it first hit a tile, it do a hit. Now, for your example, the Nova Bolts might simply travel at such a speed so that even though its "path" would go through a diagonal tile, it might actually never really end up within it, hence making the real ammounts of hits less in those and more in the others. Sdditionally (or if the above is not true due to travelling slow enough), many bolts may hit both a tile adjacent to a face and a diagonal one. The end effect might be that you actually see how many tiles hit each tile type, and of those, many hit both. Hmm, confusing? Tell me and I can try explain in more detail. Should be easy to write a small program to simulate it all and compare with your damage results.
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Messages In This Thread
Some Notes on Nova Trap Damage - by Attika - 10-21-2003, 07:24 PM
Some Notes on Nova Trap Damage - by Jarulf - 10-24-2003, 01:57 PM

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