Triple Group of people
All of them are no twink. They must full clear everywhere. When full clearing an area for the first time, they must be alone (except for merc/summons), but after it has been cleared once, they can play there with others. The mercenaries may either use no items, or all of them can (leaning towards no items, and that is what they have all done so far).

No_Items is currently at level 25 and has done everything up the golden bird. I am wishing I had chosen wake of fire instead of inferno. Oh well. No longer has Jarulf. Jarulf was level 17 or something... got a new merc with a funny name... level 19 when hired.

No_Skillpoints is currently at level 24. He has been very lucky in the items he has found, and thus hasn't had many problems. Just finished Duriel. Not sure what merc to use... Probably blessed aim, holy freeze, or an act 3 cold.

No_Stats is currently at level 17. Finished Andariel.. I thought she would be much harder. She wasn't. He is a pure summoner; except, due to a suggestion of "random basin player," I put 1 point into werewolf (and soon bear and lycanthropy) so I can get more much needed life (and something they didn't mention, but I know about, is that I can't be 1 hit killed, since I would instead be shifted to human with 1 HP). Moreso than 3 points into oak sage would give, and it doesn't get effected by the "over 20 has no effect on the spirits" bug. Although I am not sure which spirit I should use, oak or HoW? Most things in act 5 hell will take me down even with oak, so HoW might be good (for my minions)... but Oak may allow me to survive the few stray hits easier... He is going to max out Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf, Grizzley Bear, and Poison Creeper. How high should I put my spirit of choice in, so that I don't "waste" skill points by needlessly going over level 20 with them, using reliably findable/gamblable equipment (focusing on plus to skills)? All extra points will go into raven (currently level 1). I plan on using Dire Wolves normally (more targets), and then switch to Bear against bosses (won't get 1 hit killed, hopefully). The main problem here will be physical immunes... So having a shocking throwing dagger of piercing (I could get lucky...) would be very nice. :)

Messages In This Thread
Triple Group of people - by Obi2Kenobi - 09-08-2003, 04:18 AM
Triple Group of people - by whyBish - 09-08-2003, 05:05 AM
Triple Group of people - by Raziel - 09-08-2003, 04:51 PM
Triple Group of people - by Obi2Kenobi - 09-08-2003, 10:47 PM
Triple Group of people - by gekko - 09-09-2003, 01:28 AM
Triple Group of people - by Obi2Kenobi - 09-09-2003, 11:54 PM
Triple Group of people - by Ferengi - 09-10-2003, 10:37 PM
Triple Group of people - by whyBish - 09-11-2003, 05:40 AM
Triple Group of people - by Pren - 09-11-2003, 07:51 AM
Triple Group of people - by Obi2Kenobi - 09-11-2003, 03:59 PM
Triple Group of people - by ShadowHM - 09-12-2003, 08:20 PM
Triple Group of people - by Obi2Kenobi - 09-13-2003, 03:27 AM
Triple Group of people - by FaaipDeOiad - 09-13-2003, 03:45 PM
Triple Group of people - by Obi2Kenobi - 09-13-2003, 04:46 PM
Triple Group of people - by Obi2Kenobi - 09-14-2003, 02:55 AM
Triple Group of people - by Obi2Kenobi - 09-21-2003, 04:26 AM

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