09-18-2003, 01:19 AM
Yea, i looked at those Alienware Computers and i was just blown away. I mean, jeez. It freaked me out. CHances are, i probably do not have $2000 (US) to spend on one of those babies (though i drool at the thought :D ). But Christmas is coming up and maybe Sante Clause (speeld that way on purpose) will drop by and, if im a good widdle boy, I will get some upgrades or maybe even some cash. Oh well, if it means waiting a few months for an ALienware, so be it. But i really cant wait. Ohh, i really need one. Oh well. For buying a computer that i can afford now, i will probably buy my own as i would have to ask somebody to help me out there as i dont know a thing about construction of a computer and i dont want to "accidentally" say bye-bye to a really expensive mother board. Or, What are some good brand-name computers out there that are good?