09-10-2003, 08:48 PM
Quote:looks like you are hell back in dueling techniques you probably don't even know that it is possible to generate and control (partialy) the lag between players... and i bet that where you come from warriors cannot kill mages
Did you call your psychic friend before you posted, or are you making this up on your own?
Self quotes:
I imagine "ideal" dueling items don't vary much from country to country; it's all the same game.
Elemental damage is used when one player can't hit the other one.
These two comments relate only to equipment. The latter doesn't evaluate whether Elemental Damage is good, merely its possible use. I haven't discussed technique at all, yet you feel informed enough to comment on my knowledge of it and two other notions of what I may or may not know -- all in comparison to yourself. You seem to fit snugly into the dueler stereotype.
Quote:I think you didn't get the point
You classified "... clans, clan wars, tournaments, ... information about some really annoying cheaters" as newsworthy. So, in reply to your original question ("Do you have many clans and battle.net news pages and stuff like that? ") I said we don't cover certain things you listed because it's just silliness.