09-07-2003, 03:50 PM
Prefixed Shield of Deflection:
Rarity: 9.8930304% 1 in 10 games
9.9882700% (N) 1 in 10 games
9.9882700% (H) 1 in 10 games
Best drop probability:
3.3599255% dlvl 15 (n,N,H)
1) 0.3691578% Stareye the Witch(Hell Spawn,n,N,H) Bloodlust(Hell Spawn,n,N,H) Blackjade(Hell Spawn,n,N,H) Red Vex(Hellspawn,n,N,H) Steelskull the Hunter(Steel Lord,n,N,H) Sir Gorash(Blood Knight,n,N,H) The vizier(Cabalist,n,N,H) Arch-Bishop Lazarus(Advocate,n,N,H)
2) 0.0223430% Decapitated Body (dlvl 15)
3) 0.0088917% Soul Burner(mlvl 30,n,N,H) Blood Knight(mlvl 30,n,N,H) Advocate(mlvl 30,n,N,H)
Eeerm... Langolier, the maximum prefix of that kind in a shield is absorption (-3).
I wouldn't trust a programmer whose programs "don't have bugs".
Rarity: 9.8930304% 1 in 10 games
9.9882700% (N) 1 in 10 games
9.9882700% (H) 1 in 10 games
Best drop probability:
3.3599255% dlvl 15 (n,N,H)
1) 0.3691578% Stareye the Witch(Hell Spawn,n,N,H) Bloodlust(Hell Spawn,n,N,H) Blackjade(Hell Spawn,n,N,H) Red Vex(Hellspawn,n,N,H) Steelskull the Hunter(Steel Lord,n,N,H) Sir Gorash(Blood Knight,n,N,H) The vizier(Cabalist,n,N,H) Arch-Bishop Lazarus(Advocate,n,N,H)
2) 0.0223430% Decapitated Body (dlvl 15)
3) 0.0088917% Soul Burner(mlvl 30,n,N,H) Blood Knight(mlvl 30,n,N,H) Advocate(mlvl 30,n,N,H)
Eeerm... Langolier, the maximum prefix of that kind in a shield is absorption (-3).
I wouldn't trust a programmer whose programs "don't have bugs".
"La espada de la divina justicia no hiere prematura ni tardÃamente, aunque una u otra cosa parezca a los que la deseen o la temen".
Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri