09-04-2003, 10:24 AM
Not to talk about BN equipment:
Vulnerable Full Plate Mail of the Pit:
Rarity: 0%
0% (N)
0.0018229% (H) 1 in 54856 games
Best drop probability:
0.0006311% dlvl 4 (H)
1) 0.0000084% Devil Kin(mlvl 5,H) Corpse Bow(mlvl 5,H) Hidden(mlvl 5,H)
2) 0.0000063% Dark One(mlvl 7,H) Burning Dead Archer(mlvl 7,H) Blink(mlvl 7,H)
But the one I always wanted is not so rare after all:
Topaz Tower Shield of Blocking:
Rarity: 0%
0.0210946% (N) 1 in 4740 games
0.0208472% (H) 1 in 4796 games
Best drop probability:
0.0052589% dlvl 6 (N)
1) 0.0035585% Goretongue(Rotting Carcass,N) El Chupacabras(Plague Eater,N)
2) 0.0000475% Horror Captain(mlvl 8,N) Bone Gasher(mlvl 8,N) Flesh Clan(mlvl 8,N) Flesh Clan Archer(mlvl 8,N)
Vulnerable Full Plate Mail of the Pit:
Rarity: 0%
0% (N)
0.0018229% (H) 1 in 54856 games
Best drop probability:
0.0006311% dlvl 4 (H)
1) 0.0000084% Devil Kin(mlvl 5,H) Corpse Bow(mlvl 5,H) Hidden(mlvl 5,H)
2) 0.0000063% Dark One(mlvl 7,H) Burning Dead Archer(mlvl 7,H) Blink(mlvl 7,H)
But the one I always wanted is not so rare after all:
Topaz Tower Shield of Blocking:
Rarity: 0%
0.0210946% (N) 1 in 4740 games
0.0208472% (H) 1 in 4796 games
Best drop probability:
0.0052589% dlvl 6 (N)
1) 0.0035585% Goretongue(Rotting Carcass,N) El Chupacabras(Plague Eater,N)
2) 0.0000475% Horror Captain(mlvl 8,N) Bone Gasher(mlvl 8,N) Flesh Clan(mlvl 8,N) Flesh Clan Archer(mlvl 8,N)