stamina bug in 1.09
I have a baby druid wearing Vidala's Rig. He needs strength charms to equip the boots. If I lift one of the strength charms, the boots turn red and his max stamina drops accordingly. If I replace this charm, the stamina bar goes half black and returns to normal in a couple seconds. This is as I would expect.

However, if I place this charm down on top of another inventory item (and it does not seem to matter *what* other type of item -- keys work as well as charms) the stamina bar goes half black and stays there.

Normal stamina is restored if a charm, apparently any charm, even a poison resist charm, is moved from the stash to inventory. No other items (potions, keys, tomes, armor) have any effect.

From limited testing normal stamina is also eventually restored after going though a waypoint, but not always right away. I have not seen the stamina restored by leaving town through the town gate. I have not yet tried a portal. If he runs around outside of town, the stamina drops till he stops running. It then recovers up to the point it was before he started running, but does not recover fully.

I understand stamina from set items is bugged in 1.10, but this is in 1.09. A search of the current forum did not turn up an answer. Has anyone seen this? Does this also happen in 1.10?

UPDATE 08/27/2003

The same effect happened when I added stat points to strength as when I put a strength charm down on another inventory item. As soon as my baby hero's strength increased to the point where his booties lost their red background, the max stamina shot up, but his stamina never increased. It almost seems that certain events trigger stamina regeneration, but that some events were apparently overlooked in coding.

The flaw in this theory is that if the hero's stamina is decreased by running about, it *will* regenerate when running stops. The problem is that the stamina does not regenerate past a certain point unless one adds a charm to inventory, goes through a wp, or probably does some other unknown action.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."

Messages In This Thread
stamina bug in 1.09 - by LavCat - 08-25-2003, 03:04 AM
stamina bug in 1.09 - by Guest - 08-25-2003, 03:40 AM
stamina bug in 1.09 - by Obi2Kenobi - 08-26-2003, 03:18 AM

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