03-06-2003, 11:47 AM
AtomicKitKat,Mar 5 2003, 03:11 PM Wrote:Hey... a BTVS/ATS fan?I hate to say this.. (oh who am I kidding? I love to say this) but I cried each and every night, for 3 full months after I saw Becoming part2.. at the time, I was under the impression it was the last episode..
Actually, I just throw around a lot of psychological terms to describe myself. I'm generally just moderately insane. :wacko:
To answer your question: Yes, I'm a -huge- fan of the series. Even though Buffy is superior in every way, Angel is still a very enjoyable show, although we don't get the show in Norway (or new episodes of Buffy for that matter) so I have to find them 'elsewhere'.
They've only sent the first 4 seasons of buffy here, and no sign of Angel (the series) yet.. You're in your 7th or 8th season of Buffy if I'm not mistaken?
Warlocke: I suppose "ATS" = Angel - the series ?
As for the language bit. I -hate-
* 7313-speak (I use the term "7313" as it is just as much a word as "1337" is) "lzp, boon k22. Shut up the ****"
* CAPITALISATION. What the hell is wrong with people's keyboards?
* The inane use of the z-key. It's not "skillz". It's "skills" or even "abilities" (yes! Two words that mean relatively the same thing.)
* The adding of plural s. "They sux" = "They sucks". It's not "they sucks", but "they suck"!
I suck
you suck
he/she/it sucks
they suck
you suck
we suck
* "xeqtr" = "executor"? Please, spare me.
* "LOL"? Excuse me while I choke on my jaffa cakes. (they used the term "LOL" in Splinter cell. Almost made me quit and uninstall the whole thing.)
Ask me about Norwegian humour