Text messaging invades English schools!
AtomicKitKat,Mar 5 2003, 03:11 PM Wrote:Hey... a BTVS/ATS fan?

Actually, I just throw around a lot of psychological terms to describe myself. I'm generally just moderately insane. :wacko:
I hate to say this.. (oh who am I kidding? I love to say this) but I cried each and every night, for 3 full months after I saw Becoming part2.. at the time, I was under the impression it was the last episode..

To answer your question: Yes, I'm a -huge- fan of the series. Even though Buffy is superior in every way, Angel is still a very enjoyable show, although we don't get the show in Norway (or new episodes of Buffy for that matter) so I have to find them 'elsewhere'.

They've only sent the first 4 seasons of buffy here, and no sign of Angel (the series) yet.. You're in your 7th or 8th season of Buffy if I'm not mistaken?

Warlocke: I suppose "ATS" = Angel - the series ?

As for the language bit. I -hate-

* 7313-speak (I use the term "7313" as it is just as much a word as "1337" is) "lzp, boon k22. Shut up the ****"

* CAPITALISATION. What the hell is wrong with people's keyboards?

* The inane use of the z-key. It's not "skillz". It's "skills" or even "abilities" (yes! Two words that mean relatively the same thing.)

* The adding of plural s. "They sux" = "They sucks". It's not "they sucks", but "they suck"!
I suck
you suck
he/she/it sucks
they suck
you suck
we suck

* "xeqtr" = "executor"? Please, spare me.

* "LOL"? Excuse me while I choke on my jaffa cakes. (they used the term "LOL" in Splinter cell. Almost made me quit and uninstall the whole thing.)
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile

Messages In This Thread
Text messaging invades English schools! - by Vash - 03-04-2003, 01:44 AM
Text messaging invades English schools! - by [wcip]Angel - 03-06-2003, 11:47 AM

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