Holy Bolt v1.10 B2; Paladin xp factory
adamantine,Aug 21 2003, 02:44 PM Wrote:i have 3.5k def 75% block and lvl 85, they hit me easily 80% of the time. your blocking is ignored, so you should be getting hit 95% of the time.

i hope blizz in the final version puts some oblivion knights there  :P
Hehe, Oblivion Knights would liven it up considerably. :D

They may ignore my blocking when they Charge, but I'm using terrain (i.e. obstacles) to make it more difficult for them to Charge me (it is, admittedly, quite freaky when they Charge around 270 degrees worth of obstacles).

They most certainly do not ignore my blocking as they try to slice me with their swords through the bushes. :)

An advantage to the build I may not have made clear is that even when I test players 8 my damage is so high that I'm always (except vs. Pindle and perhaps his minions) doing more than 1/12th damage and putting them into hit recovery. Since my mana cost for spamming Holy Bolt is negligible I do a lot of it, and thus their Charges typically stop "dead", so to speak. In players 1, of course, a single Holy Bolt is a RIP for the Prowling Dead. And even when it isn't a one-shot kill anymore, it will continue to force them into HR, based on the numbers I read for hell difficulty HPs, even without me putting 19 more points in Blessed Hammer for max synergy. I've got the max synergy now for FoH's holy bolts, and they will do nicely on the 1/12th concept into hell as well (though not for players 8, I think).

Still, those Charges are killer, so I think the build will be more unfair with high Sanctuary skill.
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Messages In This Thread
Holy Bolt v1.10 B2; Paladin xp factory - by Guest - 08-19-2003, 09:36 PM
Holy Bolt v1.10 B2; Paladin xp factory - by Guest - 08-21-2003, 02:53 PM
Holy Bolt v1.10 B2; Paladin xp factory - by Crystalion - 08-21-2003, 05:20 PM

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