08-17-2003, 04:47 PM
>What would be the point of having obs-zods considering that the Gotterdamerung would count them out ?
Posing ;)
Well I'd recommend some DragZod when using GotterDammerung.
My current lv36 HighAC WindForce-Rogue uses GotterDammerung and it's pretty funny, cause you've got qulte a lot of extra prefixes when you don't have to worry about resists. On the other hand it can be a pain in the ass in hell *g*
Posing ;)
Well I'd recommend some DragZod when using GotterDammerung.
My current lv36 HighAC WindForce-Rogue uses GotterDammerung and it's pretty funny, cause you've got qulte a lot of extra prefixes when you don't have to worry about resists. On the other hand it can be a pain in the ass in hell *g*