The Hardest Working Man in Show Business!
But I agree completely: the whole practice is disgusting. It's bad enough that Dr. Seuss's Estate went against his direct wish to never see one of his stories on the big screen just after he died. Reanimating dead personas (that's really all they're getting) is much, much worse.

The scariest part is the precedent it sets. A decade or two from now, it will be frighteningly easy to do it, too. But who will bother to defend the dead? The family seems, more often than not, perfectly willing to cash in. And the actor/author/supermodel/celebrity isn't exactly around to defend himself.

It may sound extreme, but I'd love to see legislation passed to prevent this kind of thing. Either that or we can look forward to Abe Lincoln selling Lincoln Logs, James Dean selling car insurance, and Henry Ford selling Fords -- for all eternity. *shudder*
[Image: ignatzsig.gif]

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The Hardest Working Man in Show Business! - by Ignatz - 08-14-2003, 08:47 PM

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