08-14-2003, 05:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-14-2003, 05:57 AM by Nomad25055.)
Ok here's the story I am in mp on bnet. W/ my clvl 32 warrior full health with mana shield, this mage comes up to me while I am takin on a group of advocates and blood knights, he hits me once with his staff and I die instantly. I send a message to my teammates to come resurrect me so I can beat this guy down and he takes them down as they enter my dlvl then he says "You like my work? then go to diabloslair.com" then my game crashes. @$!@%!#$% that pissed me off. So what I am asking you guys is are there ways to detect people like this as they enter my game? I know I can set up a password for my games but are there other ways to stop people I don't know/trust from entering my games?
Nomad25055 :angry:
Nomad25055 :angry:
R.I.P. Pete! I can't believe you're gone.