Redesigning my Chain Lightning sorceress
While the Shaeled Cutlass is a good idea, a back up weapon of a socketed staff that has + Lightning Skills/+ CL with a few Shaels in its sockets will give you higher damage output for the milder areas of the game when the cutlass and shield combo may not be as required.

Why the Ward? Nice shield with a high strength requirement.

A 3 PD kite shield gives guaranteed 51% Resistance to all, takes 41 Strength, and won't slow down your run walk. If you can find it, Moser's Blessed Circlet with two PD's yields better DR, 63% res all, better blocking speed and better blocking bonus, and is again lighter.

Best of luck in any case.
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Redesigning my Chain Lightning sorceress - by Occhidiangela - 03-05-2003, 06:13 PM

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