Holy Bolt v1.10 B2; Paladin xp factory
Crystalion,Aug 9 2003, 12:40 AM Wrote:I've been studying rushing lately (not ready to publish)
Well, I'm still not ready to publish on the topic of rushing, but to get ready to test (come Monday) the wHoly Bolty Paly I created a fun new character in style...

v1.10s beta (2 player TCP/IP mode used on one PC via WinXP user switching)
Paladin, level one
no xp points
no stat points (granted or used)
no skill points (granted or used)

Quest credit for: Cain, Andariel; Maggot Lair/Viper Temple; Duriel; Council; Mephisto; Diablo; Shenk; prisoners

Waypoints usable: all five act towns; Dark Wood; Catacombs L2; Arcane Sanctuary; Canyon of Magi; Travincal; Durance L2; River of Flame; Frigid Highlands

Played to this point with the initial equipment or naked, but now equiped with a ring of greed that dropped during the rush (it amused me) and misc. gear bought from Charsi with some of the ~ 50k I just gave him. Plus, of course, the Hellforge Hammer. No other twinks (I plan to twink 10+10+10% fast cast rings/amulet around level 6 and to revisit fast cast at level 17 but I would be surprised to find any other twinks needful).

misc notes:
Cain IDs for free (quest completed... rushee merely darted into Tristram and touched him and ran back out :) )
can shop all acts (including fair price in act5)
can *not* hire a rogue but can hire mercs from acts 2, 3, 5 (fyi, I've toyed with this before... if you hire a level 1 act 3 merc they are amusingly useless and pathetic--once in a blue moon they even take a swing at something)
since Darkness act2 quest is complete will not have to suffer that later; yes, Hellforge quest/reward is still open (I prefer the Hammer)
"payment" for the rush was that I confiscated the OrtRalTal
trivia: only thing swung at/killed was one Prison Door, which, since I used the beginning weapon (not the Hellforge) took several minutes to destroy
my listed damage, with no skills/or stat pts is 12-38 (courtesy Hellforge... I suspect it will be a while before whacking things is more than a brief affair).
Naturally, being in normal, many of the Act 2..5 shop tabs are empty, as I'm level one and they have trouble rolling any items to offer me (at clvl + 5).
I faced many terrible monsters and often survived through cowardice for several seconds before valiantly dying.


Loads of fun. Takes two to three hours (fyi I'm guessing that if I had two people performing the rush instead of just me switching back and forth then that would run one to two hours). A pity I have to wait until Monday to play him to test the Holy Bolt build theory.
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Messages In This Thread
Holy Bolt v1.10 B2; Paladin xp factory - by Crystalion - 08-09-2003, 08:33 AM
Holy Bolt v1.10 B2; Paladin xp factory - by Guest - 08-19-2003, 09:36 PM
Holy Bolt v1.10 B2; Paladin xp factory - by Guest - 08-21-2003, 02:53 PM

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