A little article that peaked my attention...
A> The article is meant to convey that the current administration is exerting control over the populace through verbal intimidation and techniques meant to shadow the truth and inflate emotions. Objectives that can only truly prevail through an air of ignorance on part of the addressees (the American people).

B> I found quite a bit of troubling irony that a proponent of this exposition against the ignorance and manipulation of the people, had himself professed a succor with that same bugaboo: moving forth while not armed with enough information/experience of the matter under debate.

Sorry for bringing out this tangent, but all I wish is to see that our perspectives are sufficiently expanded beyond our inherently focused (and biased) points of view before we engage in a debate of principle. Because without first having a glimpse of the other side's objectives, motivations, and point of view, we're never going to get a reasonable discussion. Just a laying of facts, nothing more, and the exchange of insights will be stilled.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.

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A little article that peaked my attention... - by Rhydderch Hael - 08-03-2003, 03:31 AM

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