base attack speeds for char. class and wpn types?
Thanks for the link to the spd. calc for classes/weapons, however it's fields won't allow testing, say, Chaos WW for an ass...

I'm exploring the viability of a WW ass utilizing the high magic dam from chaos, quick poison from venom (expand the .4 secs to 2 secs to compare with Poison nova and you get:

435 ave venom damage per .4 secs = 1087 dam per sec
440ish ave PN dam per 2 secs = about 600 dam sec

Of course there are synergies with PN and it hits many monsters, and you have to keep hitting for venom to be constant, but considering the number of his with WW at such high speeds i think it may be doable... i will slap together an ass later to check and see if it works.

So my querry is mainly about WW speed with an assassin... how many hits does it get off? a 2 weapon wielding barb using similar quick weapons (say -20 base, using ataghan) hits 10-12.5 times a second...
so, ONLY taking into account poison and magic damage (we'll have to assume two chaos claws at this point for simplicity):
10 hits: 435 poison, ave 345 magic dam = 4350 + 3450 = 7800 dam/second

This doesn't account for physical damage, open wounds, crushing blow, crit strike, etc. which i think allows the generous numbers used (ie. 435 poison is spread over .4 seconds so it is not a strict 10 times/sec skill, more likely 5 or so depending on crowd size). I have used the conservative 10 hits per second with WW, even though a barb with a base -20 weapon with the built in weapon IAS of 35% from Chaos gives 12.5 hits/second.

SO --- i surmize that this build will do 10,000 dam/sec no problem, only problem is mana for WW.

I will tighten up the math and actually testing when i've time later, but would appreciate any insights. ALso one must bear in mind that Magic damage is probably the least resisted and therefore most powerful form of damage, and that the poison (and inherant open wounds on chaos) will quell the terrible regen of monsters. If preliminary test hold water, my ass won't have to use burst of speed to achieve max hits/second and can therefore bump her res. with fade.


PS. yes i realize the range of claws is 1, and this will mitigate some of the damage potential in groups unless the WW is very well aimed.

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base attack speeds for char. class and wpn types? - by Quillan - 07-31-2003, 06:09 PM

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