Lurker Lounge Classic Guild Information
Good afternoon, everyone,

After thorough discussion a decision to play on Mankrik - Eastern PvE Realm main Lurker guild in Alliance has been made. The Amazon Basin's primary guild will also be found there.

You can create/reserve character names there in under an hour. Let us know what you're thinking of playing!

Edit #1: Here is the invite link to the Mankrik Official Discord Server:

Edit #2: Full writeup of the phases the game will go through, starting with Phase 1:

Phase 1 - Molten Core, Onyxia's Lair, and Maraudon
Phase 2 - Dire Maul, Lord Kazzak, Azuregos, and PvP Rank & Honor Systems
Phase 3 - Blackwing Lair, Darkmoon Faire, Darkmoon Deck Cards, and Warsong Gultch & Alterac Valley BGs
Phase 4 - Zul'Gurub, Arathi Basin BG, and Green Dragon World Bosses
Phase 5 - Dungeon Set 2 (Tier 0.5), Ahn'Qiraj War Effort, and both Ahn'Qiraj Raids
Phase 6 - Scourge Invasion Event, Naxxramas, and PvP Update

Edit #3: Guild is strictly casual, few rules, everyone can invite, if you are online and someone asks for assistance do your best to do so, and have fun!

Edit #4: Addon locations - Will It Classic, Curse, Legacy Addons. Addons Classic location will be: "~\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns" most likely unless you changed the location when you installed it.
Edit #4a (#11): Just heard, and verified, that the Twitch addon is working for Classic Addons!
Edit #4b (#12): Here is a google docs superthread of the status of various mods as well as their download location (should you not wish to use the Twitch mod):

Edit #5: Map - Printable map of Azeroth

Edit #6: Atunements/Keys - SivHD's WoW Classic Keys & Attunements Infographic

Edit #7: Leveling - General Classic WoW Leveling Basics Guide

Edit #8: Leveling - Classic Dungeon Quests Guide for Leveling - Helpful to identify those hard-to-find quests for dungeons. (LOVE THIS ONE!)

Edit #9: Speed Leveling - Joana's World - Classic WoW Speed Leveling: World's fastest leveler for WoW has guides - not for most of us, but thought someone could be interested in it.

Edit #10: Found % XP gained per mob level by Navak charts - pretty interesting (TL;DR - Kill mobs your own level for max XP value):
Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.

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Lurker Lounge Classic Guild Information - by Frag - 08-12-2019, 09:11 PM

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