P&P Roleplaying
That party sounds like a blast.

As we've been world building for future books, and supplements that we plan to do (because when you own a game company, even D&D sessions are "Work" Smile ) We've done some one offs where in the DM just hands out sheets of new characters, and you get to learn things on the fly, and figure out the story / history / story points for stuff.

We have a couple of races that we are working on that will end up in our OGL material, as well as some monsters that we've brought through.

We too, like to keep it "Rules Light", and have house ruled a few things that we found to be a little tedious.

I.E. Most people we read online regarded Wild Magic as a tedious, not fun situation for the DM to keep track of. So, we've built it into my Sorcerer, that if he breaks his code (Pacifism with certain "Outs), I need to roll on the Wild Magic Table. Potentially, every single time that I cast for a certain amount of time as well. It's very much a function of the character's personality. It also helps us figure out exactly what my character's code "IS".

We are hoping to turn a few things that we've done into a 1 shot module for low levels. Because nothing says "Scare the party, and have them think TPK" like a Beholder encounter at level 3.
Used to play WoW on Terenas.
Played PoE for a while, Guild Leader of the Lurker guild there. Back to playing.
Lover of stringed instruments, and the beautiful music they make.

Messages In This Thread
P&P Roleplaying - by Chadvoluted - 12-12-2018, 07:25 PM
RE: P&P Roleplaying - by Frag - 12-13-2018, 12:31 AM
RE: P&P Roleplaying - by Chadvoluted - 12-13-2018, 08:31 PM
RE: P&P Roleplaying - by Jester - 12-16-2018, 11:56 AM
RE: P&P Roleplaying - by Chadvoluted - 12-17-2018, 02:52 PM
RE: P&P Roleplaying - by Occhidiangela - 02-16-2019, 11:22 PM

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