Activating Windows 10 with a 8.1 product key - does this work?
(11-25-2018, 04:12 PM)Lissa Wrote: It works IF the Windows 8.1 key has never been used or was upgraded to Win 10 during the time period that it was allowed and IT IS NOT an OEM version.

Thanks for the reply.

I guess the sticking part for me is this is an OEM version. I had the computer built for me by a system builder in Canada. I did do the Win 10 upgrade during the time period, but I never actually installed Win 10. I honestly can't remember how that worked, but I clicked a button to upgrade and then declined to actually install the upgrade.

Should I even bother upgrading to Windows 10? I use 8.1 at home and 10 at work, and they both seem functionally pretty much the same. Are there performance gains with 10 that I'm not aware of?

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RE: Activating Windows 10 with a 8.1 product key - does this work? - by DeeBye - 11-26-2018, 04:30 AM

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