01-31-2018, 02:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-31-2018, 02:05 PM by TheKillerVortex.)
This is what I have so far (I feel as if I'm missing a myriad of information (even on the player structure's header portion)):
If anyone has anything else to add: That'd be awesome!
Reverse engineering Diablo is quite the thrill for me. I'm not even sure why. What a great game.
I am sure it's full of errors (especially since I'm using "DWORD" as a place-holder for now and am aiming towards using only C).
It's just a general concept to help find/locate addresses / offsets / what they're used for in the video game.
This is what I have so far (I feel as if I'm missing a myriad of information (even on the player structure's header portion)):
struct sPlayer {
DWORD base = 0x00686448;
struct sPlayer {
DWORD base = 0x00686448;
struct item {
// 23 * 4 = 92 bytes (QWORD) per item
DWORD base = 0x006867C4; // Beginning of first item
// base += (16C * item.slot)
// 40 empty slots in inventory
// 7 items to wear
// 8 belt slots
// 55 slots total
int* getBeltSlot(const int slot) { return *(base += (slot * 0x16C)); };
// When you right click to cast a spell: It is copied here
int rightClickX = 0x00686448 + 0x28;
int rightClickY = 0x00686448 + 0x2C;
DWORD dungeonLevel = 0x00686448 = 0x34;
char* name = 0x00686448 + 0x140; // Null-terminated
struct cTile {
DWORD currentX = 0x00686448 + 0x38;
DWORD currentY = 0x00686448 + 0x3C;
DWORD previousX = 0x00686448 + 0x40;
DWORD previousY = 0x00686448 + 0x44;
DWORD futureX = 0x00686448 + 0x48;
DWORD futureY = 0x00686448 + 0x4C;
DWORD departingX = 0x00686448 + 0x50;
DWORD departingY = 0x00686448 + 0x54;
DWORD endingX = 0x00686448 + 0x58;
DWORD endingY = 0x00686448 + 0x5C;
DWORD facing = 0x00686448 + 0x70; // 0-8 facing (up, down, left, right + (two angles * 2))
DWORD idleFlag = 0x00686448 + 0x80; // 03 = idle, 00 = active
DWORD level = 0x00686448 + 0x1B8;
DWORD experience = 0x00686448 + 0x1BC;
DWORD reqExperience = 0x00686448 + 0x1C4;
struct cStat {
DWORD STR = 0x00686448 + 0x164;
DWORD baseSTR = 0x00686448 + 0x168;
DWORD MAG = 0x00686448 + 0x16C;
DWORD baseMAG = 0x00686448 + 0x170;
DWORD DEX = 0x00686448 + 0x174;
DWORD baseDEX = 0x00686448 + 0x178;
DWORD VIT = 0x00686448 + 0x17C;
DWORD baseVIT = 0x00686448 + 0x180;
DWORD points = 0x00686448 + 0x184;
// How to calculate health in Diablo:
// Multiply your desired HP/MP by 4
// Multiply that sum by 16
// View the value in a base-16 format
// Copy the first two digits (MSB to LSB) to the 2nd byte address
// 500 * 4
// 2000 * 16
// 7D00 (32,000) | 7D = MSB, 00 = LSB
// (0x00686448 + 0x19C) = 0x00 0x7D 0x00 0x00
DWORD baseHP = 0x00686448 + 0x190; // Before items are applied
DWORD baseMaxHP = 0x00686448 + 0x194; // Before items are applied
DWORD HP = 0x00686448 + 0x198; // Effective HP (100 / XXX)
DWORD maxHP = 0x00686448 + 0x19C; // Effective maximum HP (XXX / 500)
DWORD orb_HP = 0x00686448 + 0x1A0; // Percentage of HP orb to display(?)
DWORD baseMP = 0x00686448 + 0x1A4; // Before items are applied
DWORD baseMaxMP = 0x00686448 + 0x1A8; // Before items are applied
DWORD MP = 0x00686448 + 0x1AC; // Effective HP (100 / XXX)
DWORD maxMP = 0x00686448 + 0x1B0; // Effective maximum HP (XXX / 500)
DWORD orb_MP = 0x00686448 + 0x1B4; // Percentage of HP orb to display(?)
DWORD gold = 0x00686448 + 0x1CC; // Player's total gold
int spell_rightClickX = 0x00686448 + 0x1D4;
int spell_rightClickY = 0x00686448 + 0x1D8;
int FLAG_isCastingSpell = 0x00686448 + 0x1E0; // 0 = Not casting, 0x0F = casting
int spell_is_casting_UNKNOWN = 0x00686448 + 1F0; // No idea what this is for; Values change when casting spells
DWORD FLAG_traveledToLevel = 0x00686448 + 1F4; // 01 01 01 01 = First four stairs used; 20 bytes used
If anyone has anything else to add: That'd be awesome!

Reverse engineering Diablo is quite the thrill for me. I'm not even sure why. What a great game.
I am sure it's full of errors (especially since I'm using "DWORD" as a place-holder for now and am aiming towards using only C).
It's just a general concept to help find/locate addresses / offsets / what they're used for in the video game.