Reverse engineering Diablo v1.09b (last patch)

Does anyone here have a compiled list of any sort of data regarding Diablo? It does not have to be 'of interest' (which is relative from person-to-person).

For instance:
004575D5 | 55                       | push    ebp                                       | Spell-casting related
004575D6 | 8B EC                    | mov     ebp,esp                                   |
004575D8 | 51                       | push    ecx                                       |
004575D9 | 51                       | push    ecx                                       |
004575DA | 8B 45 18                 | mov     eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x18]               |
004575DD | 53                       | push    ebx                                       |
004575DE | 33 DB                    | xor     ebx,ebx                                   |
004575E0 | 56                       | push    esi                                       |
004575E1 | 2B C3                    | sub     eax,ebx                                   |
004575E3 | 89 4D FC                 | mov     dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4],ecx                |
004575E6 | 74 11                    | je      diablo_copy.4575F9                        |
004575E8 | 48                       | dec     eax                                       |
004575E9 | 75 30                    | jne     diablo_copy.45761B                        |
004575EB | 69 C9 E4 00 00 00        | imul    ecx,ecx,0xE4                              |
004575F1 | 8B 81 78 D3 64 00        | mov     eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+0x64D378]           |
004575F7 | EB 1F                    | jmp     diablo_copy.457618                        |
004575F9 | 8B C1                    | mov     eax,ecx                                   |
004575FB | 89 5D 18                 | mov     dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x18],ebx               | ebp+18:LocalFree
004575FE | 69 C0 D8 54 00 00        | imul    eax,eax,0x54D8                            | Setting EDX here modifies the casted spell
00457604 | 83 FA 06                 | cmp     edx,0x6                                   | EDX = Spell index
00457607 | 8B 88 B8 64 68 00        | mov     ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x6864B8]           | ECX = Position in relation to the character
0045760D | 89 4D F8                 | mov     dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x8],ecx                |
00457610 | 75 09                    | jne     diablo_copy.45761B                        |
00457612 | 8B 80 24 66 68 00        | mov     eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x686624]           | Special case: Firewall only
00457618 | 89 45 F8                 | mov     dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x8],eax                |
0045761B | 6B D2 38                 | imul    edx,edx,0x38                              | Multiplies EDX by 0x38
0045761E | 57                       | push    edi                                       |
0045761F | 33 FF                    | xor     edi,edi                                   | edi:PeekMessageA
00457621 | 8D B2 E9 23 4A 00        | lea     esi,dword ptr ds:[edx+0x4A23E9]           |
00457627 | 38 1E                    | cmp     byte ptr ds:[esi],bl                      |
00457629 | 74 2E                    | je      diablo_copy.457659                        | Prevents spell casting (JMP)
0045762B | 83 FF 03                 | cmp     edi,0x3                                   | EDX is the spell index?
0045762E | 7D 29                    | jge     diablo_copy.457659                        | Prevents spells from having any effect (minus audio/character "spell animation")
00457630 | FF 75 1C                 | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x1C]                   | "In-town check" not received yet
00457633 | 8B 55 0C                 | mov     edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0xC]                |
00457636 | 0F B6 04 3E              | movzx   eax,byte ptr ds:[esi+edi]                 | Loads Charged Bolt?
0045763A | 53                       | push    ebx                                       |
0045763B | 8B 4D 08                 | mov     ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x8]                |
0045763E | FF 75 FC                 | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]                    |
00457641 | FF 75 18                 | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x18]                   | ebp+18:LocalFree
00457644 | 50                       | push    eax                                       |
00457645 | FF 75 F8                 | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x8]                    |
00457648 | FF 75 14                 | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x14]                   |
0045764B | FF 75 10                 | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x10]                   |
0045764E | E8 87 5D FD FF           | call    <diablo_copy.sub_42D3DA>                  | Spell animation / Casting
00457653 | 47                       | inc     edi                                       | edi:PeekMessageA
00457654 | 38 1C 3E                 | cmp     byte ptr ds:[esi+edi],bl                  |
00457657 | 75 D2                    | jne     diablo_copy.45762B                        |
00457659 | 80 3E 0A                 | cmp     byte ptr ds:[esi],0xA                     | A:'\n'
0045765C | 5F                       | pop     edi                                       | edi:PeekMessageA
0045765D | 75 0B                    | jne     diablo_copy.45766A                        | ECX holds spell index
0045765F | 8B 4D FC                 | mov     ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]                |
00457662 | 6A 07                    | push    0x7                                       |
00457664 | 5A                       | pop     edx                                       | EDX holds spell index again
00457665 | E8 D0 FE FF FF           | call    <diablo_copy.sub_45753A>                  |
0045766A | 80 3E 34                 | cmp     byte ptr ds:[esi],0x34                    | 34:'4'
0045766D | 75 3C                    | jne     diablo_copy.4576AB                        |
0045766F | 8B 4D FC                 | mov     ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]                | Special case: Charged Bolt
00457672 | 6A 1E                    | push    0x1E                                      | Charged Bolt spell index (1E)
00457674 | 5A                       | pop     edx                                       | push/pop set EDX to Charged Bolt spell index (1E)
00457675 | E8 C0 FE FF FF           | call    <diablo_copy.sub_45753A>                  |
0045767A | 8B 45 1C                 | mov     eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x1C]               |
0045767D | D1 F8                    | sar     eax,0x1                                   |
0045767F | 83 C0 03                 | add     eax,0x3                                   | Sets EAX = 10, then copies to ESI
00457682 | 3B C3                    | cmp     eax,ebx                                   |
00457684 | 7E 25                    | jle     diablo_copy.4576AB                        | JMP = 1x1 Charged Bolt
00457686 | 8B F0                    | mov     esi,eax                                   |
00457688 | FF 75 1C                 | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x1C]                   |
0045768B | 8B 55 0C                 | mov     edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0xC]                |
0045768E | 8B 4D 08                 | mov     ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x8]                |
00457691 | 53                       | push    ebx                                       |
00457692 | FF 75 FC                 | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]                    |
00457695 | FF 75 18                 | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x18]                   |
00457698 | 6A 06                    | push    0x6                                       | Flag for Charged Bolt?
0045769A | FF 75 F8                 | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x8]                    |
0045769D | FF 75 14                 | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x14]                   |
004576A0 | FF 75 10                 | push    dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x10]                   |
004576A3 | E8 32 5D FD FF           | call    <diablo_copy.sub_42D3DA>                  |
004576A8 | 4E                       | dec     esi                                       |
004576A9 | 75 DD                    | jne     diablo_copy.457688                        | ESI = Loop counter (# of Charged Bolts?)
004576AB | 5E                       | pop     esi                                       |
004576AC | 5B                       | pop     ebx                                       |
004576AD | C9                       | leave                                             |
004576AE | C2 18 00                 | ret     0x18                                      |

This entire function pertains to spell casting, but this is before(?) the "in-town" check is performed AFAIK.

You can manually edit the EAX register for the one-time-call on Charged Bolt (0x34), then modify the actual function call in the loop (push XX). The loop counter is directly affected by the level of the Charged Bolt (which is 'protected' I believe (the value is constantly written to in two different locations)).

You can in essence create a multi-shot Firebolt (spawn 15+ Firebolts that are all stacked). It'll "pierce" through a target (visual effect) and hit the next target and so on and so forth. The movzx is what sets the EAX register to 0x34, which is read inside the function (0045764E | E8 87 5D FD FF | call <diablo_copy.sub_42D3DA>).

If you are new to reverse engineering or are simply interested in learning: Feel free to ask questions and I will provide as many in-depth explanations as I can.
If you are very familiar with reverse engineering Diablo: I'd love to pick your brain on a few topics of how Diablo was written.

Thanks in advance! Smile

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Reverse engineering Diablo v1.09b (last patch) - by TheKillerVortex - 01-28-2018, 06:04 AM

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