Katy Perry in the aftermath of Manchester
(06-07-2017, 03:57 PM)Ashock Wrote:
(06-07-2017, 12:29 PM)Quark Wrote: A link must be acknowledged between Christianity and terrorism!


Or are you just making excuses?

(This was brought to you by spending only 30 seconds googling, but I know that spent effort destroys your world view).

Just because they are white, does not mean that they are killing in the name of Christianity. That would be convenient, I understand. Even if they were, no one says there are no psychos among christians, but consider the pure numbers, or is that too complicated?

Islamic terrorists kill in the name of Islam. Is that not clear to you? Islam has a problem. It's problem is that unlike Christianity, it can not go through reformation. Why would it? Koran is the "perfect" book. Perfect can not and should not be reformed.
Mohammed, being it's prophet is naturally idolized, as he is the teller and prime follower of that perfect book. Therefore, his behavior, as in being a rapist, pedophile and a mass murderer (all historical facts, btw) is considered to be perfectly acceptable by an uncomfortably large portion of the world's muslim population.

If you would like to continue believing that christian "terrorists" are a significant problem, and muslim terrorists are just isolated individuals who need jobs, be my guest. I have no cure for blindness. Neville Chamberlain, did not get cured either.

What a load of revisionist bullshit. Christian terrorists kill in the name of Christianity, just as Muslim terrorists kill in the name of Islam. Your post is nothing more than the typical Islamaphobia rhetoric that says one kind of terrorism is bad and another kind of terrorism is acceptable, or isn't terrorism at all....

In America, Christian and white terrorists get a free pass. Whenever one of them blows up an abortion clinic, a black church, or stabs people on a train, they get passed off as simply "being insane or crazy". They are not labeled as terrorists, yet if a non-white person or person of a different religion commits the same or a similar act, everyone throws the word terrorist around in heartbeat. What these idiots dont know is, white nationalist terrorists are a far greater threat to public safety here than terrorists from overseas are. You are far more likely to be a victim of domestic terrorism than you are of Islamic terrorism. FACT. I know its hard for white supremacists like yourself to swallow, but white people can be terrorists also, and here in America, they are in fact far more likely to be so than anyone else. In fact, if we go back through the entirety of human history, I'd say white people probably have the biggest monopoly on terrorism by a far margin - from the Vikings, to ancient Rome, to The Inquistion and scouring of Native american populations en masse, to the African slave trade, to the "war on terror" and US imperialism, fucking A.

Something else you fail to understand, A "psycho" and a terrorist are NOT the same thing. If that were the case then every terrorist regardless of affiliation could justify their actions, and that is almost never the case. Terrorists have a certain politically driven agenda they want to carry out and know FULLY WELL what they are doing, as opposed to someone who just simply "went off the deep end" and exploded in a fit of rage due to a build up of pressures (perceived or real), depression, stress, anxiety, or some other social and/or economic factor....but I'm tired of white nationalists (whether in the name of Christianity or not) committing what are essentially terrorist acts but being given a free "insanity" pass for it. Fuck that shit, they are not insane. They are terrorists, plain and simple.

The guy who killed two people in Portland on that train was EVERY bit as much a terrorist as a member of ISIS is. FACT.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: Katy Perry in the aftermath of Manchester - by FireIceTalon - 06-07-2017, 04:26 PM

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