What can change the nature of a man?
WarLocke,Apr 4 2003, 07:53 PM Wrote:I have just, moments before typing this, completed Planescape: Torment.

All I can say is...  Wow.  That's one hell of a plot to beat.

I was constantly amazed at how every little detail was important, and nearly everything and everyone was in some way connected with the Broken One.  Just...  Wow.

And the ending...  Man, when I started the game, all I wanted was to know who the Nameless One was.  But by the end, the only thing that mattered was sparing my companions the suffering I brought upon them.  After the countless lives I had destroyed, and the unimaginable wrongs I committed, five lives were probably insignificant.  But damnit, they were all subjected to torment because of me.

Ach, it's amazing how well a good game can tug on the heartstrings.  I just have one last observation to make:

Truly, Regret can change the nature of a man...

Oh, and for those who are interested, TNO ended the game as a level 8 Fighter/10 Thief/26 Mage, with 15 Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity, 25 Intelligence and Wisdom, and 24 Charisma.  225 hitpoints, -3 Armor Class and a whole boatload of spells.

Companions consisted of Morte, Dak'kon, Annah, Fall-From-Grace, and Nordom.
B) It's been easily a couple years since I played Planescape:Torment. I played it just once but I played it all the way through. Start to finish. Over ummm... maybe a week. Not sure. I know Scott got onto me a couple times for not coming to bed soon enough... :P

I loved Fall-From-Grace. Probly cause I'm a Christian and understand the REAL fall from grace we're all faced with... :o

I haven't connected with a guy char in that way either before or since. I don't usually play guy chars in games period--it just feels too eery. Scott (my hubby, duh!! he drug me over here to this forum to look at some thread he got sucked into rofl all I got to say is I'm used to hearing it, I live with him every day and I LIKE his passion, most people are way too uncaring about the important stuff in life anyway I think, and PS honhon don't sweat it too much, because like Abe Lincoln pointed out men always reap what they sow and nations always reap what THEY sow, and if America becomes too timid to stop their own government from obsessing over gay behavior then the voters deserve all the misery they get from it!!) likes to play girl chars in RPG games but I think it's sweet because it's obvious who the girl he's playing really is in his mind... ME!!! :D Hehe we're both like that, I honor him by using his last name at D2 forums and he honors me by playing chars that are like me and I'm glad he finally got me to try a few computer games since we've been married and I'm going offtopic I think.

I cried at the end of Planescape. I remember that. The only time I've ever cried in all my Diablo2 playing is when that mean PK zon killed my MF sorc on East last year when I tried to protect my party from her after she'd killed our barb guy who was treally nice and was tanking monsters really well inside Diablo's house. But it was a DIFFERENT sort of crying. I cried for myself in D2 really, cuz that was a part of me that Zon killed, hundreds of hours of me, tons and tons of memories of helping people and stuff. All gone.

When I cried for Nameless One it was for HIM, and Fall-From-Grace, and the pain of separation caused by people's deaths. It was for friends I knew back in school but never saw any more, that I just sort of lost track of. It was for selflessness, sarcfice, for Jesus telling John and the other disciples "No greater love hath this, than a man lay down his life his friends." It was for the tragedy of nameless realizing that the battle wasn't over. Dear God no, the battle had just started. The battle had just started and THIS time it was for real, no amnesia no puzzlement no delusions or illusions. The battle was now eternal, the battle was forever. It was an odd form of Hell, it WAS hell, and whether he felt he deserved it or not he was stuck with it. He'd made some bad choices, some VERY bad choices in his life. And while he later made some good choices too, there was no grace. No REAL grace, as we Christians know it. There was only Fall-From-Grace, and even she was lost to him now...

I've thought about replaying that game but i never have. I just thought about it again, but I know I won't. That "Torment" was too REAL for me, too powerfull and I want to leave it as I remember it.

I've never seen Scott play it since, either. he played it for awhile--started before I did and kept at it after I stopped. I know he said he made a few chars but that... wow. he never finished it. He never did. He was still goofing around with some weird twink-like process where he killed this one demon over and over and over again, a demon you ancountered pretty early in the game. i remember the demon was blue and he had wings and he walked around the town right out in the open, threading his way easily past all the NPCs because they gave him a WIDE beerth, you know? And Scott was like killing this demon and then saving the game and reloading or something and somehow the demon was alive again and he was basically boosting Nameless's stats and stuff this way, slow and steady, "beating the system" or whatever. I remember being kind of saddened byu this, because usually we connect on playing styles in our games pretty well but not THAT time. For me, Nameless was one guy with one life--one very WEIRD life--and I was living it with him and helping him get it untangled. I forget what my stats and gear and all that stuff was at that end. I remember I never had too hard a time killing stuff so I must have built him ok.

Fall-From-Grace. I remember Falll-From-Grace.

"It's a long walk back to Eden, honey." Scott likes to say that to me sometimes.

Planescape:Torment. Now THAT is a game I recommend everyone play at least once in their lives. THAT was a powerful experience for me. Uniquely powerful, totally the opposite of Diablo2, where we've played Hardcore mode now months and months and months with all kinds of diff chars and if not for the stupid PKers we'd still be having tons of fun with it... :unsure:

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