(04-21-2015, 09:58 AM)Hammerskjold Wrote: ... Anyhow, to get back somewhat to one of the thread topic you originally mentioned. Guccifer is an interesting character in this tapestry. If the articles I read about him are true, it's like a comedy of errors and hubris.Yes, back on topic...
The guy is not quite a cyberElite hax0rR from some gleaming comp sci institute , his former occupation was a taxi driver. His computer was not some top of the line Renraku deck, it was considered relatively old and underpowered. He "hacked" the data by mostly persistence, and the laughably lax security of his targets.
It's also going to be interesting watching how the U.S. election coverage plays out, in light of the changing media landscape, especially with the interwebz increasing role in how people receive, and digest their news\info. It's no longer just a one way broadcast I think. Definitely interesting times.
I saw “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer is being released. I suspect it will be met with our usual bi-polar zeal with those against her still against, and those for her pointing to a vast right wing conspiracy, defaming the author, and shrugging it off.
I suspect this is a very militant women who is willing to crush the resistance out of all dissidents, foreign and domestic.
Her troubles now are she needs to undo her image of what she's actually done for the past decade, and project a (false) image of who she is. Taking the scooby van out for Chipotle, and rubbing elbows with the common average, hand picked, well scripted Americans to have seemingly impromptu photo ops or a short Q&A. Speaking of elbows, there is her telegraph to the Elizabeth Warren wing of the progressives in her selection of Gary "Scourge of Wallstreet" Gensler as her campaign's chief financial officer. She needs to run hard to the left now to reassure her base, before she runs hard to the middle after she gets the nomination.
But, the truth of her is in the record of what she's done. What I see, truthfully, on foreign policy is GWB in a dress without the fake folksy Texas accent, and on domestic is more aggressively progressive than even Obama.
The New York Times takes down the Clinton Foundation.
"While the little people are getting hit with Obamacare, high taxes and joblessness, a class of businessmen enjoys ready access to politicians of both Left and Right that poses troubling questions for how the republic can continue to call itself a democracy so long as it functions as an aristocracy of the monied. "