Ironman questions
1.) How do you figure the "to hit" percentage for Holy Bolt? Is it dependent upon slevel, clevel, mlevel, or magic, or some combination? Especially for Holy Bolt as cast by a Rogue.

2.) Suppose you've found a staff of firewall, and plan on using it versus Diablo in the final combat. Now all screens have a sprite limit -- something around 121 active animations? And a firewall is 11 tiles wide, I believe. Does this mean that casting more than 11 firewalls stacked one atop each other is a waste, as the firewalls past #11 won't generate? What about Diablo's apocalypse? If you've laid down more than 11 active firewalls, can Diablo's apocalypse generate?

Or is this line of reasoning totally incorrect?

3.) Jarulf's Guide lists a formula for figuring the damage done by a Golem.

Min. Damage: 8 + 2·slvl
Max. Damage: 16 + 2·slvl

Is this formula correct?

Messages In This Thread
Ironman questions - by weakwarrior - 03-22-2015, 12:00 AM
RE: Ironman questions - by Belix - 03-22-2015, 09:25 AM
RE: Ironman questions - by weakwarrior - 03-22-2015, 12:46 PM
RE: Ironman questions - by Nystul - 03-23-2015, 02:51 AM
RE: Ironman questions - by Belix - 03-23-2015, 03:39 AM

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