base attack speeds for char. class and wpn types?
Well, problem is: neither wereform attacks nor assassin claw attacks follow the regular speed formulas. comparing baseframes is somewhat pointless here.

fortunately, there is a nice calculator from Heri that calculates both assassin and druid speeds correctly:

additional druid information can be found here:
for lowlvl, I guess Hwanin's Justice (lvl 28) or Steeldriver (lvl 29) are the first usable weapons you can equip.

about the assassin: as most assassins use their skills to inflict damage rather than raw weapon strength, weapons have to be fast, so you can charge quickly. With Burst of Speed and a little ias, you'll end up with max speed for most weapons, so max speed is more important than base speed.

for claw-charger (the left three), you want to use 2 claws, no matter what. They also work with 1 claw or bare fists, but slower. They won't work with any other weapons.
strike charger top at 7 frames with a claw (or two claws, the second claw is unused here), and at 8 frames for any other 1h weapon.

Although there are some exotic assassin builds that use bows or certain polearms, most sane assassins should stick to claws, namely bartucs (but rare claws with skills and a little leech are ok too)
For my lowlvl-assassins, I usually gamble for Blade Talons. dual leech, maybe colddamage, and I'm happy.

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base attack speeds for char. class and wpn types? - by Tub - 07-25-2003, 12:45 PM

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