Been playing a bit. For those who've been following along, the class changes are exactly those in Reaper of Souls, sans the level 61+ skills and passives. Loot is much better (already found two rare upgrades). Monk got a _total_ overhaul. Many, many more options, Fists of Thunder is no longer the best spirit generator (it isn't even the fastest anymore), liking the changes a great deal.
Haven't played the Barb much, but at first glance it seems like Blizzard really shafted him by taking away Into the Fray without buffing his fury generators to compensate. In fact they _nerfed_ his generators, WTF?! I'm afraid that the barb will be garbage if they go to release in this state--hopefully there's a lot more tweaking to come.
Will post a more detailed summary later.
Oh yeah, and big news for melee players, monsters no longer have that gigantic hitbox that makes it impossible to get away once they start swinging. This makes tempting fate possible, but TBH it's more a quality of life change since there's so much going on screen when shit hits the fan that you'll never be able to take advantage of this except accidentally. Still pretty awesome that they removed one of my biggest pet peeves about the combat mechanics.
Haven't played the Barb much, but at first glance it seems like Blizzard really shafted him by taking away Into the Fray without buffing his fury generators to compensate. In fact they _nerfed_ his generators, WTF?! I'm afraid that the barb will be garbage if they go to release in this state--hopefully there's a lot more tweaking to come.
Will post a more detailed summary later.
Oh yeah, and big news for melee players, monsters no longer have that gigantic hitbox that makes it impossible to get away once they start swinging. This makes tempting fate possible, but TBH it's more a quality of life change since there's so much going on screen when shit hits the fan that you'll never be able to take advantage of this except accidentally. Still pretty awesome that they removed one of my biggest pet peeves about the combat mechanics.