Proxy help
I'm completely clueless about proxies, but I need a program that changes my IP every time I hit "refresh". So far "Tor Project: Anonyminity" looks most promising (and ad free) but here is the issue I'm having: I have a visual program I wrote (I'm still a beginner btw) which I have open up a WebBrowser1, navigate to the site I need it to, identify the elements I need information on, then refresh the page, and I need it to change my IP to get more information, hence why I want to use the proxy. My problem is I have no clue how to code my program to use TOR instead of the native WebBrowswer form, so I was hoping for a different way, maybe to load the proxy up via WebBrowser, or go to a proxy webpage (without hundreds of ads). Any recommendations, or is figuring out how to use TOR my best bet? And did I mention, I know NOTHING about proxy use; today is the second day I've ever done any real research into them and I'm mostly completely confused at this point.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

Messages In This Thread
Proxy help - by Taem - 04-24-2013, 12:54 AM
RE: Proxy help - by LennyLen - 04-24-2013, 01:13 AM
RE: Proxy help - by Taem - 04-24-2013, 05:29 AM
RE: Proxy help - by LennyLen - 04-24-2013, 04:29 PM
RE: Proxy help - by kandrathe - 04-24-2013, 05:15 PM
RE: Proxy help - by Taem - 04-24-2013, 06:28 PM
RE: Proxy help - by kandrathe - 04-24-2013, 07:22 PM

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