Just when I was thinking of selling my T-34
Quote:Ignorance on your part. You have bought the bourgeois ideological political line of the proabortion lobby's dehumanization of the fetus/child in the womb.

Yea, ok Todd Akin. There is nothing ideological about women's rights to control their own bodies - it is religious nut jobs towing the ideological line here, that somehow their morals and way of life are superior and everyone else needs to follow them. I don't give one rats ass about their subjective morality. What you find moral, I find repulsive. You are the prototype right-winger accusing others of acting on ideology, when it is your type who most blatantly acts based on such a premise.

Control of your own body isn't ideology - religion, morals and such other mythical crap are always grounded in ideology or some sort of personal agenda. And you have the audacity to call me ignorant? Think you derped big time on that comment bro. And again, don't talk to me about dehumanization of a fetus when people who are already born are dehumanized on a daily basis.

Quote:Really? Name one.

Ever sprained an ankle? Broken a wrist? If they were treated and healed properly, they were completely successful. Fuck naming one, there are THOUSANDS of completely successful medical procedures done per DAY. On a anecdotal level, my mom is a melanoma cancer surviver.

Quote:It depends how you define rare. They most definitely do occur.

No one said they didn't occur - but there are far more abortions that are successful than ones that arent (assuming we are talking about clinical abortions and not ones done with a coat hanger). Once again, this is a flimsy argument to support your ideological agenda/subjective moral values.

Quote:Thia is a great way to dismiss my point. I could say the same about most of your posts.

Hard for me to dismiss a point when you didn't have one to begin with. And I bet the majority of my posts are over your head anyways, so feel free.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: Just when I was thinking of selling my T-34 - by FireIceTalon - 01-13-2013, 01:45 AM

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