Just when I was thinking of selling my T-34
Nice troll thread. Since when were gun rights the defining and essential element of what constitutes being "free"? Oh wait, they aren't.

This article lost credibility the moment it called the US "socialist", but that is the least of its problems. It's shoddy publications like this as to why so many people are ignorant and misinformed about their history and politics, whether here or in any other nation - but I shouldn't be surprised, stuff like this is all part of the Western bourgeois propaganda machine and their ideological state apparatus to misconstrue and distort facts, and rewrite history to create their own mythical world extrinsic from the one we actually live in. The author even said America supported the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War - really? I've seen some pretty outrageous historical inaccuracies stated before from pro-capitalists, but this statement ranks up there as one of the most blatantly false.

A little history lesson for you: Women weren't even allowed to attend university in Russia during any of the Tzarist regimes, and Jews had virtually no rights in the workplace (no workers did, but Jews were hit the hardest) or in public life for that matter - and this was uninterrupted for 500+ years (it took an ARMED revolution to overthrow the Tsar, how ironic). If you call that free, then your definition of "free" sucks ass. This is why words like "freedom" or "tyranny", once again, are meaningless buzz words that have no place in any objective political discussion.

Freedom under the Russian Tsars = the freedom to subjugate women, workers, and Jews. Just as in America or any other capitalist society today, its a code word for virtually the same thing (except we discriminate and scapegoat blacks, muslims, and latinos instead of Jews). Whenever a conservative utters the word "freedom", he means freedom for himself, AND FOR NO ONE ELSE. The irony of this article is uncanny in countless places.

I'm sure the UNARMED protestors of the 1905 Bloody Sunday massacre were just living in one awesome, unified freedonia, right? Yea, the Tsarist bloodline was the ultimate symbol of freedom, huh? Rolleyes In short, this article is garbage - its all capitalist, fear mongering propaganda, and moreover, it has countless and blatant historical falsehoods. And the stuff that isn't false, is purely subjective and ideological or just irrelevant altogether. The people who write articles like this think up is down, down is up and that black is white and white is black. This piece is bad even by YOUR standards, Ashock. And that's pretty bad.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: Just when I was thinking of selling my T-34 - by FireIceTalon - 01-10-2013, 07:32 PM

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