Music thread? Music thread. AKA what are you listening to right now?
Right now, I'm doing the 'everything leads back to Kraftwerk'. Kind of like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. Mmmmm, bacon.

Anyway, I was browsing the youtubes watching some mid 90's hip-hop\R&B videos. When I felt like looking up some video game music from the same time frame. Lunar 2, a Japanese rpg to be exact. One of my favourite game of all time.

This one, it's the battle theme song.
(circa mid 90's or so)

Which seems to be very similar if not an indirect homage to this song. "Technopolis" by the Yellow Magic Orchestra. (Mid 70's I'm guessing?)

This isn't a big conspiracy or anything, apparently YMO had a big influence on the people who later became composers of video game music during the heyday of 8-16 bit era and beyond.

I mean give a listen to this, and tell me it doesn't sound like a song from a lost video game during the 16-32 bit era.

I stumbled on YMO because the band's name kept popping up whenever I was reading threads discussing Kraftwerk. YMO was inspired by Kraftwerk.

So, it went full circle. I was listening to 90's hip hop, whose roots was greatly influenced by Kraftwerk (Trans Europe Express ---> Planet Rock), looked up one of my favourite JRPG game from the mid 90's, discovered that a whole bunch of video game companies pretty much mined the same band (YMO) for it's musical inspiration. A band which was inspired by. Kraftwerk.

Ah, you cold German robot band you. Nah I'm just kidding, it takes a real heart to come up with a melody like this. Not even Coldplay can ruin this riff.

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Music thread? Music thread. AKA what are you listening to right now? - by Hammerskjold - 01-03-2013, 10:22 PM

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