Any Sports Fans here on the Lounge?
Greetings. I'm a Formula 1 fan. Unfortunately the sport is in decline even though it is growing. FIA and FOM seem to be crushing the innovation of F1 (perhaps the greatest aspect) more and more. F1 will quickly become just another spec series at this rate I'm afraid. For example double diffusers and exhaust blown diffusers were banned after one season. More rules are added and more rules are modified each season. The politics are enough to drive a person mad. Who has influence, who's hand is in who's wallet, some incidents go unnoticed while others are severely punished etc. Trying to make the sport more exciting is having the opposite effect. Tyres this year were ridiculous, they were basically bubblegum and it took teams almost half the season to understand them (operating window, degradation, etc.). DRS is laughable. DRS or Drag Reduction System, is a flap on the wing that opens and reduces downforce and drag to increase straight line speed. If a car is within 1 second of the car ahead going through a detection zone then they are allowed to activate DRS in designated zones. The best part is, there is no refueling anymore. It's understandable, considering exhaust temperatures are over 4000F lol. But the result is this, between the new tyres and the lack of refueling, most of each race is tyre and fuel management, which means they aren't exactly racing most of the time. The pinnacle of motorsports is dying in my opinion. But I digress. I still love F1 and always will. For those interested, Speed will no longer host F1. NBC bought the rights this year so it will most likely be on NBC sports. I hear that FOX wants to turn Speed into stick and ball sports, but that's just rumor afaik. Check out, there are actual F1 insiders there in addition to enthusiasts. It's an amazing site full of information and discussion about all things F1.

[Image: vettel_vs__alonso_by_atatashechke-d5i9y1r.jpg]

Cheers, Nomad
R.I.P. Pete! I can't believe you're gone. Sad

Messages In This Thread
Any Sports Fans here on the Lounge? - by shoju - 11-30-2012, 05:41 PM
RE: Any Sports Fans here on the Lounge? - by Taem - 12-02-2012, 07:29 AM
RE: Any Sports Fans here on the Lounge? - by Nomad25055 - 12-10-2012, 12:47 PM
RE: Any Sports Fans here on the Lounge? - by Tal - 12-13-2012, 08:16 PM
RE: Any Sports Fans here on the Lounge? - by Tal - 12-13-2012, 09:13 PM

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