Secession Petitions, the Election, and the News.
(11-16-2012, 05:06 PM)vor_lord Wrote: Just for grins:
[Image: 525642_555488791144439_109968381_n.jpg]

I just have comment on the 'Truck Balls' aka truck nutz issue.
I once saw a home made truck balls.
Why do I say and how can I be sure it was home made you says?

Well it was two socks rolled into a pantyhose, wrapped around the trailer hitch. It was not an accidental debris that managed to tangle itself around the hitch. No no, this was someone actually making the thing. With a couple of socks. And pantyhose.

Me and a co-worker at the time joked that the owner should really step it up if they're going to be handicrafting this thing. Like a burlap sack and maybe some fishing lines poking out for uhm, follicles.

In all seriousness. Home made. Truck balls. I'm pretty much a confirmed misanthrope now.

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RE: Secession Petitions, the Election, and the News. - by Hammerskjold - 11-16-2012, 08:02 PM

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