Secession Petitions, the Election, and the News.

I believe his point that was the racial tensions would increase in a seceded, lone star republic. If this is what he meant, I agree. I don't see a seceded Texas as being very united on the front of Immigration, and "foreigners", since it seems to be a plan in their platform of distaste for the federal government, and it's lack of control of "their" border.

Back on the topic at hand, (God I knew this topic would get sent off the deep end... why did I try?) I found an amusing article about the topic of Texas and Secession. The closing made me giggle

This arcticle Wrote:Or maybe the solution is simply to give Texas and other secessionist-conservatives what they really want: free passage to the land of all their conservative fantasies. Send them all off with gratis one-way tickets (I’m happy to earmark some of my socialist tax dollars for the effort) to a country with: a small federal government with limited power and meager influence over the private lives of its citizens; extremely weak trade unions routinely sabotaged by the federal government (i.e., a “pro-business environment”); negligible income tax; few immigrants, legal or otherwise; a dominant Christian population, accounting for some 70 percent of the people; no mandatory health insurance or concept of universal health care; a strong social taboo surrounding homosexuality and a constitution that already states, “All individuals have the right to marry a person of their choice of the opposite sex”; and a gun culture so ubiquitous that you can find automatic weaponry displayed openly on the streets of its capital city and in many households.

Sound like a Texan secessionist’s dream? Well, it’s no dream. This country already exists. It’s called the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The article was humorous, and the closing made me giggle. I don't know how accurate it is, but it definitely made me chuckle.
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright

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RE: Secession Petitions, the Election, and the News. - by shoju - 11-16-2012, 02:34 PM

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