Ghosts - bugged in 1.10 beta?
My Bowazon is doing fine in Hell, up to Act2, just finished Quest3. CLevel is 72, and the merc is Act2NM (Might) at about the same CLevel.

I have given her a serious Runeword twinking. Armor hasn't had to be changed for a while, Delirium hats for her and the Merc, Enigma armor for her (Teleport is a great Merc saver), Chains of Honor for the Merc.
The big thing I find is that no one weapon seems to do it all. She normally has a Silence Ballista equipped, with a Breath of the Dying Ballista for when big damage and preventing monster life regeneration is more important that resists. Merc uses a Breath of the Dying, with a Crescent Moon for those bosses that are begging for Static Field (Andarial, Radament, and I expect Duriel too :).

I would like to get rid of the xxxx crossbows, but it seems that the CLevel requirement for Hydra bows has been bumped up to CLevel 76. I haven't even seen a Hydra bow drop, the only one I saw was my former main bow when I did the Exceptional to Elite upgrade on it :S.

I guess that the Runes, and appropriate items to stick them in, will be the big collect/trade items when the update goes on the Realms. At least it's not a total crap shoot, getting specific runes. With enough persistence, you could eventually get anything.

By the way, pjnow, what level is your 'Zon? I figure that by the time you hit Hell, you should have both Cold and Fire attacks at usable levels. Also, Magic Arrow is something you shouldn't forget about. Some of the Bosses seem to have zip for Magic resistance, and Magic Arrow converts some of your Physical damage to Magical. When I hit something that doesn't seem to be getting hurt much by Cold/Fire/Physical, Magic arrow usually puts the hurting to him.


Messages In This Thread
Ghosts - bugged in 1.10 beta? - by pjnow - 07-21-2003, 04:42 PM
Ghosts - bugged in 1.10 beta? - by Raziel - 07-21-2003, 04:49 PM
Ghosts - bugged in 1.10 beta? - by adeyke - 07-21-2003, 06:13 PM
Ghosts - bugged in 1.10 beta? - by pjnow - 07-21-2003, 08:21 PM
Ghosts - bugged in 1.10 beta? - by adeyke - 07-21-2003, 09:22 PM
Ghosts - bugged in 1.10 beta? - by channel1 - 07-21-2003, 11:31 PM
Ghosts - bugged in 1.10 beta? - by kandrathe - 07-21-2003, 11:58 PM
Ghosts - bugged in 1.10 beta? - by channel1 - 07-22-2003, 01:31 AM
Ghosts - bugged in 1.10 beta? - by Brista - 07-22-2003, 08:21 AM
Ghosts - bugged in 1.10 beta? - by kandrathe - 07-23-2003, 08:20 PM

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