Bourgeois pigs kill suicidal 16 year old boy.
(11-09-2012, 12:11 AM)kandrathe Wrote: Because Mike Huckabee is in charge of what and a spokesperson for whom?

He is one of the leading advocates for exactly the group I'm talking about - the self-identified "bible believin'" Christians, who would eat out *more* at a fast food chain that *opposes* gay rights.

Quote:Being pro-X, doesn't make you automatically anti-Y. Not all things are reflexively black and white in this world. Is being pro-gay the same as being anti-traditional marriage?

It's code, and widely acknowledged to be; surely you are not seriously contesting this. If I said I was "pro-life," I would mean I was anti-abortion. If I said I support "traditional marriage," I mean I'm against gay marriage. But, of course, saying you support something that sounds like family, tradition, and apple pie, is much better branding than saying you're squicked out by the queers getting hitched, and would prefer to keep using the power of the state to prevent them doing it.

Quote:The position on "traditional marriage" is the same as Federal Law. And, I see hypocritical outrage on this when it was Bill Clinton who signed the Federal DOMA into law. What a bigot!

It was outrageous, yes. One of many things I found odious about the Clinton administration. If there was a viable party in the US that wasn't *even worse* on these issues, I would have been cheering for it. Indeed, in 2000, I was rooting for Nader. (Which was an epic mistake, but for other reasons entirely.) And not that I give him much in the way of points for changing his position *after* his time in power, but Bill Clinton now supports gay marriage, which is much more than I can say for the other side of the aisle.

Quote:Here is The Civil Rights Agenda for another statement.

This is precisely the same event that your link was originally referring to, and to which the response "we haven't changed our stance on anything" was given. Here's CNN on the resulting confusion, which the company has apparently not cleared up.

Quote:I just see this as a part of the recent liberal big hammer Alinsky approach.

I prefer to think of it as more of an abolitionist approach. Or a suffragette approach. You don't compromise with intolerance, you don't make mealymouthed excuses about how the other side has fair points, and you don't give in to political games. You keep fighting, because everyone deserves the right to live their life how they please, in full equality under the law, so long as they aren't harming others.

Quote:Catholics get hammered with the same pro-/anti- arguments. If you are religious and believe in "traditional marriage", then you are an anti-gay bigot. If you are against abortion, then you are against women's rights.

I would agree with both of those statements.


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RE: Bourgeois pigs kill suicidal 16 year old boy. - by Jester - 11-09-2012, 10:33 AM

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