I'm convinced the town I work in is full of crazy people.
(11-08-2012, 05:23 PM)bldavis Wrote: here its wolves, coyotes, cougars, bears, bobcats, moose
honestly i have never saw the need for a full auto weapon
for self defense at home, just a shotgun would be more than enough if you know wtf you are doing

we have a .22, 30.06 and a few pistols
i want to get a shotgun at some point
but these are for hunting purposes, as they help provide food for our table

like shoju said, a weapon is even more dangerous if in the hands of an untrained person.
if you do get one, get trained on how to use it and store it properly
Yes, and Yes.

My dad put 12 shots from a Winchester 30/30 into a bear once, before it stopped charging. His hunting crew tracked it for a day and a half before it finally died. For some wild animals, you need more stopping power.

I agree though that a good pump 12 gauge riot style shotgun is maybe the best for home defense against people. If I need one, I'd sleep better having one. If I have one and don't need it, I'd sleep easier getting rid of it.

I'm not saying that people "need" anything. I don't feel I need anything. There is a difference in people determining and having the freedom to own what they feel they need, as opposed to being told what the limits are by the government. Reasonableness is subjective, and surrendering that power to the government is maybe not so wise in the long run. We are free to fight to be free. Like the link I shared above. That guy owns a tank, and he makes money by letting people drive it around and over stuff. As long as he remains on the honoring other peoples property, lives, etc. I see no problems with the every day citizen owning a tank, even one with a functional gun. Just as in owning a knife, or a car, its when you misuse it that we have a problem.

And, so this is how I feel about Iran having nukes. There is no reason why some nations are allowed and others are prohibited. It's maybe not needed, maybe it's not so wise, but who are we to say they can't build it. We just need to be clear... If you have one, and we feel you are about to use it, don't be surprised when some nervous nation (maybe us) chooses to be preempt you. It's a cautionary tale for gun ownership too.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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RE: I'm convinced the town I work in is full of crazy people. - by kandrathe - 11-08-2012, 05:58 PM

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