I'm convinced the town I work in is full of crazy people.
And my question would be,

To defend yourself or your family from even an animal, what do you need? Let's be rational for a moment and deal with animals that myself or Kandrathe would ever "really" see in our geographic area.

Feral Boars
hell, even throw in a stampeding rabid moose just to take it a step further.

Do you really need a fully automatic AK-47, AR-15, Uzi, or other such weaponry?

Going back to your example, of the animal having your kid in it's mouth. What is more likely to get your kid killed: the spray of automatic fire that you lay down from an automatic weapon, or a single shot from a gun that you actually take the time to aim, ready, and fire?

Let's be realistic, even in a "self Defense" standpoint, the need for an automatic weapon is just not there. When trying to deal with a target in a group of "innocents", what does even the military use? More often than not, a Sniper. Who is using a Semi-Automatic Rifle. There is a reason that Snipers aren't mowing guys down with Fully Automatic weaponry.

The most important part of owning a weapon, is training. Going out and buying a handgun and keeping it in the house isn't going to keep your family any safer than it was before. You've just introduced a deadly weapon to group of people who are relatively stupid to it. Hollywood is a terrible teacher for things. Training is the key. Own a gun, get training. Yes. It costs money, but it is the most important component of the whole thing.
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright

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RE: I'm convinced the town I work in is full of crazy people. - by shoju - 11-08-2012, 04:23 PM

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