Bourgeois pigs kill suicidal 16 year old boy.
(11-07-2012, 07:40 PM)shoju Wrote: I'm curious FiT... Do you hold the same contempt towards the military? Aren't they the ULTIMATE in "bourgeois protectors"? I mean... They are Uncle Sam's Rottweiler, trained and ready to shoot first and ask questions only if you survive and are tortured, right?

[/sarcasm off]

The military has essentially the same role as the police do, just on a much larger scale of course. The role of both of them is to protect the interests of the ruling class, and uphold bourgeois law that legitimizes the existence of said ruling class, and allows it to retain and expand its hegemony.

Quote:Seriously. You are painting with an incredibly broad brush, based on shock inducing media stories and coverage. Every group has a bad apple or two, one that takes things to an extreme, pushes the limits too far, abuses the power that they have acquired. The Police are no different than any other group of people that you can apply that to.

Bad apples are one thing. But bad apples who are in positions of power are much worse. And it isn't just a bad apple or two, the type of stuff I posted in this thread are not simple isolated incidents - things like this go on every day, just much of it goes unreported though. Granted, these are exceptionally bad incidents perhaps, but that doesn't make "less extreme" crimes of the bourgeois state any less forgivable.

Quote:Are you going to say that every Lounge Member is a Communist because you are a communist? I mean. By your own logic, if every cop is some facist pig who actively works to do deplorable things, shouldn't you just go ahead and categorize all of the lounge as a bunch of Communists? Surely, we could paint with that big of a brush right?

Oh wait. That's right. You'd never do that. Because it's OBVIOUSLY False. Just like your non sensical notion that every single cop is out to get you.

Not sure I understand what you are saying here, or how its relevant.

Communism, capitalism, and fascism are ideologies and social-economic organizations of society. The loungers being communist (or capitalist) or not doesn't really matter.

The police/military are instruments of class society, whose objective purpose is to protect the capitalist or ruling class, and their interests. The ideology of loungers bears no relationship to this. Ideology is subjective (though it can have objective relations to class position, but that is a different matter altogether), the role of the State is not subjective. Many cops or military soldiers may not know or consciously understand this, but it is what it is. So yes, all police are bourgeois protectors, whether they realize it or not.

As a Marxist, I oppose the State on all levels, and in any form - whether it is a theocratic dictatorship like in Iran, a democratic republic as in the USA, a fascist police state as seen in Nazi Germany or Mussolini's Italy, or a top down, bureaucratic State Capitalist nightmare that hid under the name of 'socialism' like in Stalin's regime, to justify its existence. Bottom line: If there is a State of any kind - that means classes exist, and where classes exist, one group rules and exerts its hegemony over another. I am fundamentally opposed to this. But if you think I am far left, you should talk to an Anarchist - they are even further Left than I am.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: Bourgeois pigs kill suicidal 16 year old boy. - by FireIceTalon - 11-07-2012, 08:44 PM

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