Bourgeois pigs kill suicidal 16 year old boy.
(11-04-2012, 10:32 PM)FireIceTalon Wrote: You can try and compare Marxism to religion all you want, and it doesn't compute.

Yes, this is absolutely the truest of Truth! For a person like you, that is.

For someone who has trouble figuring out a simple joke of 'Friedrick Hayek\Salma Hayek', it will not compute.

For someone who has very low reading comprehension, it will not compute.

For someone who has very low self awareness to the point of borderline aspergers, it will not compute.

For someone who has trouble understanding what a 'True Scotsman' argument is, then proclaims a bizarre version of it as 'The True Version', it will not compute.

For someone who wears their willful ignorance like a proud badge, it will not compute.

"There is no god but Allah". Hah! Look at the silly superstitious religion nut! Marx was right!

"The only way is through Jesus". Hah! Yet another stupid religious sheep! Marx is sooooo smart!

"God, Country, Family". Hah! Patriotic bourgeois bullshit! Everyone who salutes a flag is an idiot! Unless it's -my- Red Flag! ©He ©he.

Everyone, stop drinking cola brand X. It's a leading cause of diabetes, it uses corn syrup created by a corrupt big agra business! It fuels wars! It is racist! And Sexist!111

Now -my- brand Y of cola on the other hand...

Edited addition when I noticed yet another nugget of Commie-dy.

Quote:That was a long time ago, before I fundamentally understood Marxism.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh man, where did I hear that one from before. Oh yes, from all the other True Believers.

"That was a long time ago, before I fundamentally understood ________."

Please choose the following:
- Jeebus
- Muhammad
- Yahweh
- Xenu
- The Dark Side of the Force
- Phrenology as a Science

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RE: Bourgeois pigs kill suicidal 16 year old boy. - by Hammerskjold - 11-04-2012, 11:26 PM

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