Pick an equipment slot to upgrade.
(10-16-2012, 06:24 AM)Archon_Wing Wrote: Save up gold, eh. We'll I'll try my best. :p

Nat's boots look really good, they were good in D2 too IIRC.

Keep an eye out for the Blackthorne pieces the next few weeks. I've seen some good deals pop up on those from time to time. Maybe not in your price range at the moment, but we'll see how prices trend. The ability to knock out upwards of 1k LoH on those two pieces alone is pretty huge. They also offer decent health.

I'm not sure I would bother buying anything truthfully until after the patch settles down. Looking over the AH to respond to this post I noticed prices absolutely out of control since the last time I checked a few weeks ago. Probably just the rush prior to the patch, but it may take some time for it to balance back out again.

Edit: Just checked and apparently the Litany/Wailing host set for rings can be rolled in all primary stats. That is what I am using and it is probably a good set to look at for any class. It gives crit and more importantly offers +Elite Damage/-Elite Damage taken. Also allows you to trade out the 2 pieces Nat set (boot/ring) for 3 piece Blackthorne which I'm also using for extra damage/reduction on Elites. I've found those stats to be unbelievably strong especially against reflects damage. In my experience the reduced damage from Elites lowers the reflect damage as well.

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RE: Pick an equipment slot to upgrade. - by Chesspiece_face - 10-16-2012, 06:41 AM

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